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Alid Ruler of Persia

The phrase Tajh of Mehmet refers to the Messianic Mithraists of Tachkastan who had been united to the proto-Karaites as Hagarim by Mehmet Ismaili, the first known Tajh of Mehmet named by Sebeos.

Mehmet Ismaili could have been the historical 7th century figure behind the Islamic legends of Iyas ibn Qabisa and Muhammad ibn Abdullah. But he is not the Mehmet for whom the Tajh of Mehmet are named.

The word Mehmet is the Persian form of Mohmad, the Arabian Gnostic name for Jesus Patibilis, which derives from the Hebrew word Mahmad used to refer to the Temple part of the L-rd as Bridegroom mentioned in Jewish sources.

The ethnonym "Tajh" was pronounced approximately as "Taye" by Afroasiatics and approximately as "Tazik" by Indoeuropeans and "Tashih" in Chinese sources. Soghdian-Manichean sources call them "Tazigan" and consider them to have been a related Gnostic group. Those that later arrived in Romania were called "Tzigane".

The following chronology of sources aims to help us understand the story of the Tajh of Mehmet.


591 Haninai Executed (Karaite)

Khosrow executes Exilarch Haninai and appoints Khalifah Nehemiah ben Hushiel who runs the proto-Karaite Ma'amad.

605 Phocas Persecutes Jews (Byzantine History)

Jewish refugees who had escaped Phocas arrive to seek asylum with the Pahlavis of Ercolia who Fredgar calls Saracens.

607-610 Third Council of Dvin

608 Nestorian Catholicosate Abolished

610 De-Occultation of Mars (Nightsky App)

The de-occultation of Mars from beneath the crescent moon on 2nd of March.

On the 2nd of March in 610 Gabriel the Khalifah in the Roman Province of Tachkastan notices that Mars appears as the tip of the Crescent moon falling slowly to the earth and is taken as an omen of War coming from Sassan.

(Quran 54:1 Moon Breaks).

Khosrow II sends his Ercolian Jewish army from Ercolia and their Ma'amad to invade Roman Mesopotamia killing Anastasius Patriarch of Antioch and the Romans are defeated.

(Quran 30:2)

The Judeo-Baptist Gnostics of Tachkastan submit to the Ercolian Jews who secure their Ma'amad in Edessa employing the Judeo-Baptist Gnostic Poet Gabriel Al-Khalifah as a messenger.

The murder of Anastasius II (the younger) of Antioch prevents his Nestorians having any dyophysites leaders in his Empire and increases even more the Acephalians in Khosrau's empire which is fully utilised by the Miaphysites to their advantage.

Islam begins as the Judeo-Baptist Gnostic Gabriel al-Khalifa's mission in the Former Roman Province of Tachkastan to convert the Gentile-Gnostics to Noahism for the Ercolian Jewish Ma'amad in Edessa.

Gabriel proselytises one of the newly Acephalian Dyophysite Priests in the Former Roman Province of Tachkastan, a talented and influential zera-israel known only as Father Kozim Ibn-Ishmael of Tachkastan into a Judeo-Baptist (Tsabi) Gnostic (Hanif). Following his initiation in احسى Judeo-Baptist Gnosticism he feels inspired with some Gnosis concerning the events of the year.

(Quran 96)

The influential Proselyte (Sabi) Ibn-Ishmael of Tachkastan is soon granted Ma'amad (Mehmet/Muhmad/Mahmood) status inspiring him with more Gnosis.

(Quran 17:79)

The Gnostic Rasul is Thanksgiving (Ahmed).

The increasing numbers of Acephali created a leadership void which was filled when Ma'amad Ibn-Ishmael of Tachkastan joined the Judeo-Gnostic movement. Islamic sources indicate that he was one quarter Jewish but was also sometimes referred to as ibn Abu Kabsha (Father Kabsha's son) perhaps indicating he was from a Nestorian priestly family considering the same sources indicate that he was married to a Nestorian called Khadijah by a Nestorian Priest called Waraqa ibn Naufal who had previously been a Gnostic. But some time between the abolition of the Catholicosate and the Synod of Khosrau, the son of Father Kabsha began to learn from Gabriel the Khalifah in Hira.

This same Gabriel is described in Islamic sources according to Aisha was on all but 2 occasions seen in the form of a disciple called Nabi Dihyah Wahi ibn Khalifah al-Kalbi. One may speculate that the resemblance was because his father, the Khalifa in question, may have been the same Judeo-Baptist Gnostic Gabriel who moved to teach in Hira.

However, the accusation that the Quranic materials were being taught by Heraclius emerged, to which the response was that he was Ajami (not a devotee) while the materials were in the linguistic style used only by Gnostic (Mubina) devotees (Arabs). If Father Kabsha's son's teacher was Jewish then he would have to have been a Gnostic one.

In any event the Islamic sources are clear that he abandoned his original religion and became a Gnostic (Hanif) Baptist (Sabi).

Khosrow's astrologers had seen the de-occultation of Mars from the Crescent moon on the 2nd of March 610 and interpreted it as meaning the right time has arrived for Sassan to go to war against Phocas. Khosrow II sends Khalifah Nehemiah ben Hushiel and his Qurayza to take Syria from Phocas. The Qurayza and the Quraysh invade the Patriarchate of Jerusalem killing many religious Christians and succeeded in establishing themselves as Khosrow's rulers over Syria.

The Jews were overjoyed and many families went to join the conquering heroes. According to the Doctrina Jacobi, many Jews began to believe that their awaited prophet had come while others condemned the Qurayza's actions.

Their joy was short lived.

612 Synod of Khosrow

613 South Arabian Eclipse

616 Copts & Syriacs

617 Khosrou Betrays Israelites (Eliezer ben Qalir)

The first Hijra is when Khosrow II betrayed the Israelites. Nehemiah's Ma'amad or "Council of the Righteous" garrisoned themselves in Edessa having been evicted from the Holy Land by the Sassanians who prevent them from access to Al-Masjid Al-Haram and prevent the Noahites from access to Al-Masjid Al-Haram. At the same time, Gabriel ibn Khalifah al-Kalbi and his Zera Israel Ishmaelite convert to Judeo-Baptist Gnosticism called Mehmet Ismaili or Iyas ibn Qabisha (or perhaps Elijah ibn Abu Kabsha) seek refuge with the Qurayza having been ousted from Al-Hira by Azadbeh.

618 Bostanai

Immediately following the conquest of Egypt is earliest likely year for Khosrow II's persecution of Exilarchate. It is known that the last Parsig Emperor Khosrow II tried to exterminate the heirs to the Exilarchy in Pumbedita. According to Jewish sources, in his last year, Khosrow II also hunted down and exterminated the Exilarch Gabirol and the remaining sons of David at this time leaving only the young pregnant mother of Bostanai alive. Bostanai may have been identical with Hanina ben Adoi.

619 Irruption of the Saracens (New Advent)

"The irruption of the Saracens" of Khosrow II in Egypt. The Alexandrian St. John the Almsgiver (609 or 619) had taken a "letter from Arsas with his own hand, and was only prevented by the irruption of the Saracens (619) from using it to obtain the deposition of Sergius".

The Oriental Orthodox Communion is established.

Against Church advise, Ajami Heraclius orders the Gates of Caucasian Albania be opened to bring about the end of Persia.

622 New Era (Numismatics)

Khosrow proclaims himself God of Gods and strips all religious symbolism off of his coins leaving only his own image. This greatly upsets not only the Tajh of Mehmet but also many other citizens of Persia. The Imperial Lion-Man Heraclius begins his campaign against Khosrou II and is declared August Heraclius even by the Tajh of Mehmet and other citizens of Persia. Heraclius evicts the Qurayza from Edessa but offers them a stash of weapons and an Imperial Basalt Stele promising them the Desert (interpreted by the Qurayza as Arabah) if they can take it from Khosrow.

"When the Emperor Heraclius in the course of the war which he began about 619, came to Theodosiopolis (Erzeroum) in Armenia (about 622), a Monophysite named Paul, a leader of the Acephali, made a speech before him in favour of his heresy. The emperor refuted him with theological arguments, and incidentally made use of the expression "one operation" of Christ."

Like Phocas and Khosrow before him, he too issues his decree from on high that all the Christians of his empire should unite in religion.

Heraclius sought to establish a union with all by adopting Babai's "wonderful union" doctrine.

At first it seems no one really knew what Heraclius meant. Nevertheless, the case of the believers was settled.The standard narrative says that Heraclius himself was actually convinced at first but eventually changed his mind due to pressure from his Nobles.

620s Unite in Religion (Monoenergism/Sebeos/SIN)

Heraclius refutes the Acephali and decrees all people in his empire should unite in religion under his own version of Monophsitism which he calls Monoenergism.

Gabriel ibn Khalifah al-Kalbi raised Mehmet Ismaili into to Mahmoudan status and so that he can join his mamed as a Mahmoud and so that Ali could marry Mehmet's daughter Fatima.

Mehmet Ismaili helps the Qurayza to conquer the Sassanians hoping that he has the influence to raise an army of Hagarim in Tachkastan for them to take the Arabah.

It seems from among the Sassanians, only Uthman is genuinely convinced by Gabriel's teachings.

625 Honorius (Church History)

Honorius I becomes Pope on the 27th of October.

Mithrean Ali marries Fatima.

Dhū-Qār 624

Ibn Abu Kabsha is said to have finally got his revenge against Azadbeh on the Day of Dhū-Qār in the Makah vicinity just north of Hira a few months after Badr in 624.

But until his death the Lakhmidian King was still just one of many Nabis of the Sabi-Hanifism who had learned Gabriel's Ecclesiastical poetry.

The conflicting reports that Iyas or his son were on the Persian side is not consistent with him having been ousted. It is in short, a deliberate hazing of the facts invented to hide his true identity and the fact that he was indeed actually working for Kavod II at this time.

626 Yathrib

The Battle of the Trench in Yathrib to protect Tazigstan.

627 Massacre of Qurayza (SIN)

According to the Standard Muslim Narrative, Bakr Proto-Karaites of Iraq kill all male Qurayza. Rayhana Bint Zayd of the Qurayza becomes a slave.

It is likely that Mehmet Ismaili takes the black Stele at this time. Heraclius likely was unconscious of the difference and happy that he had more allies attacking the Sassanians for him.

629 Battle of Mu-tah (SIN)

Mehmet Ismaili's men seem to attack the Zoroastrian-ruled Ghassanids in the battle of Mu-tah, Jordan.

Heraclius interviews Quraysh concerning Mehmet Ismaili. Quraysh decide to submit to Mehmet Ismaili and Heraclius orders the Ghassanids to submit to Mehmet Ismaili.

It seems first that the Ghassanid Monophysite Church entered a brief union with Heraclius. Skirmishes between Arabs and Ghassan took place at Mu'tah in September 629 and again at Al Karak in 630 as Heraclius made his way to recapture the Holy Land. Nevertheless, the Muslim Narrative indicates that Heraclius told the Ghassanids to submit to the Muslims. This could be why the Syriac Orthodox decided to break ties with Heraclius.

630 Al-Karak (Hagopian/SIN)

Location of Makah according to the Continuatio Byzantia Arabica

Heraclius and his allies defeat Quraysh and enter Jerusalem on March 21 with the "True Cross".

Last remnant of Zoroastrian Quraysh surrender Makah to Mehmet Ismaili.

Arabs take Al-Karak

632 Rise of the Bakr (SIN)

Yazdegard suffers raids from the Bakr Proto-Karaites of Iraq who rule from Al-Hira.

Aisha is the Arabic form of the Hebrew word for wife. The word refers to a girl from the Bakr Proto-Karaites of Iraq. She poisons Mehmet Ismaili and tells everyone that his last words indicate that he was a false prophet. Abu Bakr takes control of his community.

The population become suspicious and hostile towards the Bakr Proto-Karaites of Iraq.

633 Khalid conquers Al-Hira (SIN)

The Bakr Proto-Karaites of Al-Hira appeal to Khalid's Quraysh for help. Khalid's Quraysh conquer Al-Hira's Tajh of Mehmet.

The Mithrean Alids soon begin minting Persian coins.

634 Tayyaye d'MHMT (Thomas the Presbyter)

The Tajh of Mehmet stationed 12 miles east of Gaza fall under the control of Khalid who orders them to fight the Romans at this time as they try to re-take the lands for the Saracens which the Saracens had only just recently lost to Heraclius.

635 Nasrani-Monothelitism & Alliance (SIN/Vatican/Military History)

In 635 Yazdegrd made an alliance with Heraclius in Tachkastan against the Quraysh.

The Standard Islamic Narrative (SIN) states that Pope Honorius I accepted the Arab religion. In fact he only supported Nasrani-Monothelitism in a letter dated to this year. The Echo or historical kernal behind the SIN reveals more to us about the nature of Proto-Islam than it does concerning Honorius's heresy. The new religion must be Nasrani-Monothelitism which regardless of Church apologetics must therefore only logically mean the "Arian-like" doctrine that the one and only will that Ieso had was a regular human will. It is likely that Pope Honorius was aware of the Saracen raids of 629,630 and 634 and aware that Byzantium was unable to engage in any more wars and that Nasrani-Monothelitism was probably the only practical solution for the time. But Heraclius was Eutychian at heart and was reluctant to abandon his position until it was already too late.

Maximus is alleged to have tried to explain that when Honorius taught "one human will in Ieso" it was only to deny the existence of any lower will of the flesh but this was taken as meaning that Ieso only had a common human will alone. This kernel grew into Islam as we now know it.

636 Heraclius defeated (Fredgar)

Yazdegard betrayed Heraclius by surrendering to Quraysh. Under the Quraysh, a marriage is arranged between Prince Shahriyar's daughter Shahrbonu and the Mithrean Ali's son Husseyn putting him in line for the Persian Throne.

Quraysh proceeded to take the Holy Land under the Bakr Proto-Karaites of Iraq until Umar came to power.

637 Sophronius surrenders Jerusalem (Georgian Church History)

The Quraysh leader Umar takes advice from Alazeena Haadu and builds a Masjin on the Temple Mount.

Later the first Historical Emir seems impressed and curious concerning Miaphysitism.

638 Heraclius capitulates (Ecthesis/SIN)

Heraclius surrenders Syria and submits to Nasrani-Monothelitism with the Ecthesis, stating that despite alleged miraculous origins, Ieso had only one human will exhibited when he said "not my will but thy will be done" being clearly distinct from G-d's will. This view is compatible with Judaism and accurately reflects the standard position in Quraysh Islam.

The Ecthesis essentially commands the Ghassanids to submit to the Quraysh.

641 Constans (Byzantine Records)

Constans ascends the Byzantine throne.

644 Uthman (SIN)

After the death of Umar in 644 the Quraysh are ruled by a Quraysh convert to the Judeo-Baptist Gnostic Faith called Uthman. Uthman wanted to stop the spread of Judeo-Baptist Gnostic material in other languages and tried to include ideas from the Bakr Proto-Karaites of Iraq. He also tried to win support from Pope Martin of Gaza. But his attempts were ultimately unsuccessful. Yazdegard III attempted an unsuccessful uprising against Uthman before fleeing with his Nestorian sons to Central Asia where he was given a Christian burial.

Umayyads were Bani Israel [1]

648 Typos Offends (Numismatics/Church History)

Tyops of Constans replaces Ecthesis. The Typos of Constans was issued to suppress discussion over Nasrani-Monothelitism. It is opposed by Quraysh as well as by Pope Martin of Gaza.

Quraysh refuse to put Constans on their Drahmas.







653 Saracen Tomus (Ep. 14, PL 87, 199A, ca. 653 AD)

The Byzantines arrest Pope Martin accusing him of providing the Quraysh a 'Tomus' concerning "what they should believe" and sentence him to death. Pope Martin.

Pope Martin did not instruct Uthman nor any other Quraysh concerning what they should believe concerning Ieso as Messiah because Muawiya does not have any such ideas later. But it may be that there was some kind of communique between Martin and the Alids concerning whatever they had that became Quranic materials. Otherwise, where did the Byzantines get this idea from?

The available evidence does not fit the SIN that Uthman played any significant role in standardising the Quraysh Quran. In contradiction to the Quran, the Emir before Uthman did not know Ieso as Messiah and Muawiya after Uthman did not know Ieso as Messiah. If Uthman believed in the miraculously born Messiah Ieso of the Quran, then his belief must have been only a generally unknown personal one which appears did not make any impact on the Umayyads until about 30 years later.

However, the charges brought against Martin show that Christian-like Quranic materials in use among the Muslims were obviously known to the Byzantines at this time but if tolerated were clearly not an Umayyad approved belief (let alone promoted) until about 30 years later during the reign of Abdul Malik.

Perhaps the word Masih used in the Quran is the Hebrew word for "distracter" referring to Plony Yeshu HaNotzri Ben Stada neither words being equated with the Christian Messia Ieso? But if that were the case, it is inconceivable that the Byzantines could imagine such a belief being approved by Pope Martin for the Saracens and they would certainly have charged Martin with apostasy instead.

Then perhaps the communication suggested by the Byzantines only involved Monothelite Maronite Nasara as the subjects of the Umayyad state? But if that were the case, there is no known Tomus which the Byzantines could have been referring to, and surely Martin could have made an attempt to explain this in his defence.

One could concoct an imaginary drama where the first historical Emir ordered translations to know if Ieso in the New Testament was the same person as Plony Yeshu HaNotzri Ben Stada then Uthman sent texts to Martin for his opinion on Yeshu HaNotzri, but the discourse ended when Martin pointed out that the Christian Jesus and Yeshu HaNotzri must be two different people then Muawiya spoke the way he did because he knew that there was no relation between the two. But again one would wonder why Martin makes no reference to such helpful evidence as part of his defence.

Or one might instead imagine that the first historical Emir just wanted to know what Plony Ben Stada had learned from the Injeel, but then any basis for communication between Uthman and Martin collapses and the Byzantine charge must relate to a communique between Martin and Mulims other than the Umayyads.

The simplest conclusion is that while the Umayyad state may very well have accepted Plony Yeshu HaNotzri Ben Stada as a Hebrew Masih (distracter) it was not the Umayyads who had any kind of communication with Pope Martin concerning their Tomus. The SIN concerning the Uthmanic Quran Controversy must therefore be considered "Fake News". The Umayyads must have been introduced to such Quranic materials from a source other than Uthman and at a much later date.

If Uthman was a believer in Quranic materials then it was not something he boasted about to other Umayyads and if there was any communication between Uthman and Pope Martin then Uthman did it secretly and his "Quran" was likely just some materials which he had taken from the Mithrean Alids.

655 Battle of Masts (A J Deus)

United Quraysh conquer the Mediterranean following Maximus the confessor's journey to Rome. After they finished their conquests, their Caliphate consisted of 7 provinces:

  • Levant
  • Arabia
  • Egypt
  • Africa
  • Indo-Persia
  • Central-Eurasia
  • Andalusia

656 Ali (SIN)

Ali becomes Caliph except over Syria where Muawiya has seceded.

Uthman appointed Ali his successor when he died but the Bakr Proto-Karaites of Iraq tried to prevent Ali's Ulu l-Amr from becoming Persia's rulers. Although Ulu l-Amr was not overthrown, western Quraysh under Muawiya seceded Syria from the Empire.

Quraysh and the Bakr Proto-Karaites of Iraq allies go to war against the Alids in the Battle of the Camel. Ali defeats Bakr Proto-Karaites of Iraq conquering Iraq but the Quraysh retain an independent kingdom in Syria.


Muawiya makes a three year treaty with Byzantium.

"If you wish, he said, to preserve your life in safety, abandon that vain cult which you learned from childhood. Deny that Jesus and turn to the great God whom I worship, the God of our father Abraham. Dismiss from your presence the multitude of your troops to their respective lands. And I shall make you a great prince in your regions and send prefects to your cities. I shall make an inventory of the treasures and order them to be divided into four parts: three for me, and one for you. I shall provide you with as many soldiers as you may wish, and take tribute from you, as much as you are able to give. But if you do not, that Jesus whom you call Christ, since he was unable to save himself from the Jews, how can he save you from my hands?"

The language reminds of the Emir's reluctance to hear mention of Jesus as Christ when he asked John of the Sedre to translate the New Testament. But unlike the Emir who did not want mention of the crucifixion, it does not hint of Jesus being saved from death at all and in fact lacks any kind of respect towards Jesus. While the Emir could be a Ger because he does not seem to be aware of two different Jesuses, the words of Muawiya are much more similar to the sort of thing modern Karaites might say who recognize the difference between Jesus and the Karaite Plony Yeshu HaNotzri Ben Stada. Were it not for the fact that the Quraysh had built a shrine on the temple mount, one might easily have come to the conclusion that (with the possible exception of Uthman) the Quraysh were still pagans until Abdul Malik.

This also contradicts with the idea that Quraysh were Monothelites rather than completely non-Christian. It looks more like they simply had a treaty with Monothelites rather than with other Christians. How is it then that Monothelitism (one human will) became the standard Islamic doctrine?

If the first historical Emir did not consider Ieso to be Messiah and then the third (Muawiya) didn't either, it is rather inconceivable that the standard narrative concerning the Quraysh Quran collection could be true. Muawiya had either never heard what Uthman's Quran says or he was an apostate from Uthman's religion who warred against the Alids.

In conclusion it is safe to say that the Quranic materials were not held by the first historical Emir's daughter (Hafsa) nor assembled into the Quraysh Quran by any caliph after him before Muawiya.

The only conclusion is that the Quranic materials were only popular in the area of the Alids into whose religion Abdul Malik almost converted but also incorporated his Maronites' Nasrani-Monothelite Christology.

660 Muawiya (SIN)

Death of Ali

Ali was followed by Husseyn which is when the Quraysh saw their opportunity and had Husseyn killed to established themselves on the throne instead. That lead to a civil war. Muawiya won but agreed that Husseyn would be his successor as king of the Arabs.

660s Rise of Muawiya (Numismatics)

Ali and Hassan killed. Sebeos indicates that the Caliphate is a satellite of the Antichrist and depicts Muawiya as rejecting Christ, but according to other sources, Muawiya's daughter was baptised. He also prayed at the tomb of Mary in Gethsemane and at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre after being entering alliance with Byzantines and being crowned king of Jerusalem It seems Muawiya, despite his earlier beliefs was a convert to something recognisable as Christianity.


Hassan's Khosrow-style "in the name of the king" coins in Pahlavi and Arabic. (source currently lost)

670 (SIN)

Hassan dies and Persia falls to Muawiya.


Byzantium conquers Umayyads.

680 Ibn Al-Zubayir (Numismatics)

Muawiya dies. Muawiya's son like the rest of the Quraysh did not honour the acknowledgment of Husseyn as Caliph and have Husseyn killed leaving the Alid Mithreans almost extinct.

Muawiya's capitulation to Byzantium and the murder of Hussein lead to the rebellion of most of the Empire under the Bakr Proto-Karaites of Iraq led by ibn Al-Zubayr as Persian Emperor.

While the Bakr Proto-Karaites of Iraq's Caliph ibn Al-Zubayir opposes Quraysh, John Maron is sent to clean up the Maronite heresy of Nasrani-Monothelitism among the Umayyads.

692 Iconoclasm (Numismatics)

Western Quraysh (Umayyad) Abdul Malik crushes the Bakr Proto-Karaites of Iraq killing Ibn Al-Zubayir and his mother Asma.

The Quinisext Council of Trullo causes Abdul Malik to adopt Iconoclasm so as not to be accused of being one who tramples the cross as all Christians did before this year. It opens a schism again between Byzantium on one side against the Roman Papacy and the Maronite Patriarchate of Antioch together on the other side.

Abdul Malik supported John of Daylam.

The Bakr Proto-Karaites of Iraq are crushed.

694 Dome of the Rock

In-keeping with Abu Bakr's and Muawiya's positions, there is no indication anywhere in the Dome of the Rock inscriptions that the Umayyads believed Jesus had escaped death.

Abdul Malik certainly tried to enforce the Dome as the Kaba for his Empire, perhaps hoping no one would notice that most masjids had previously been facing the Negev.

699 Abu Hanifa (SIN)

Birth of Abu Hanifa.

700 Abu HaShem

Under their 5th Imam, Abd Allah ibn Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyyah , the Mawali became the Hashimites.

705 Caucasian Albania

The anti-Chalcedonian clergy of Caucasian Albania convoked a council and anathematized Nerses and his supporters. Elias, Catholicos of Armenia, followed up by writing a letter to Caliph Abd al-Malik notifying him of the political threat that Chalcedonianism was posing to the region. Abd al-Malik arranged for the arrest of Nerses and Spram, who were then bound in fetters and exiled.

After the overthrow of Nerses in 705, the Caucasian Albanian elite decided to reestablish the tradition of having their Catholicoi ordained through the Patriarch of Armenia, as was the case before 590. This event is generally regarded as the abolition of the Church of Caucasian Albania through the loss of its autocephaly, and the lowering of its hierarchical status to that of a subordinate body within Armenian Apostolic Church.

705 Al-Walid I

John of Damascus condemns the contemporary Ma'amad for misleading the Ishmaelites. His use of the term Ma'amad instead of Mahmad evidences a certain depth of knowledge.

  • P

706 The "Qibla Wars" Umayyads

Al-Hajjaj's Wassit Masjid is the first to be built to rival the Gnostic Noahite Synagogues.

  • M+Q

711 Bardanes (Church History)

Philippicus Bardanes attempts to rehabilitate Nasrani-Monothelitism to counter the development of Islam.

713 4th Imam (SIN)

Death of the Rightful Persian Emperor 4th Imam Ali son of Hussein and Shahrbonu.

715 Sulayman ibn Abd al-Malik

716 Rise Of The Abbasids

The founder of the Abbasid dynasty was Muhammad Al-Imam who took control in 716. He tried to unite the Mawali and the Sunnis.

Under Abbasid influence a new Quran using materials from the Umayyads "book of the Arabs" and from the Mawali's Ahsana al-Hadith was composed.

Ultimately the Abbasid attempt at egalitarianism backfired. No doubt the Arabs would never have come on board if they felt they did not own the revelation. So the Abbasids granted them that but in the end their attempt to unite the Arabs and Mawali inevitably kept the religious views of Mawali suppressed in exchange for higher social status. Hence the Sufi circles have never really had any regard for Islam.

717 Umar II

In a Letter Sent to the Omeyade Calif Umar II, Leo III the Isaurian wrote :

"It was ‘Umar, Abu Turab and Salman the Persian who composed your Furqan, even though the rumour has got around among you that God sent it down from the heavens…. As for your [Book], you have already given us examples of such falsifications and one knows among others of a certain Hajjaj, named by you as governor of Persia, who had men gather your ancient books, which he replaced by others composed by himself according to his taste and which he disseminated everywhere in your nation, because it was easier by far to undertake such a task among a people speaking a single language. From this destruction, nonetheless, there escaped a few of the works of Abu Turab, for Hajjaj could not make them disappear completely."

This may be why Ali and Salman are so important to the Alawaites. This may also explain why he is said to have translated the Quran into Persian, thus becoming the first person to interpret and translate the Quran into a foreign language. Perhaps in reality the existence of the Quran in Persian was simply explained away by accrediting him as the translator. He is buried in Old Medina.

It seems that Leo III made serious investigations about the Quran. He may have gained his knowledge from the Paulicians of Genesius Timothy whom he protected. He identified key companions by name , and he even knew that Hajjaj The General of Abdel Malik Ibn Marwan intoduced some changes to the Quran, a fact attested in muslim sources like "The Book of Masahif" of Ibn Abi Dawood.

The only way that the Umayyad caliph Umar II could respond to debate was by dismissing the Bible as corrupt and prohibiting Nestorians from studying the Islamic Quran.

735 Mamed (John of Damascus)

John of Damascus writes about a mamed.


John of Maron worked hard to convert the Maronites to dyothelitism and a brief period of Antiochene Eastern Catholic unity followed him until ultimately, in the the 740s, the Eastern Catholic Patriarchy of Antioch decisively split into Maronites and Melkites.

Continuatio Byzantia Arabica reference to Makah in the desert (Tachkastan) which is between Carra and the kingdom of Ur of the Chaldees.


Last known Gnostic Noahite Synagogue is built, the Mushatta Palace mosque, in Amman, Jordan.

747 Pavlikeni

According to Theophanes, seeking asylum, the Gnostic Baptists of Armenia were moved to Thrace, in 747, to strengthen the Bulgarian frontier with a reliable population. They grew to assist Godfrey of Bouillon as the "Publicani" during the Crusades and even establish their own Primate Basil I of Bulgaria in 1186 to crown Asena I and consecrate their "Church of St. Demetrius" in Tarnovo.

749 John of Damascus Passes away

750 Eastern Quraysh (SIN)

Eastern Quraysh (Abbasids) take control as the Abbasids. The Umayyads Retreat. The Abbasids did their best to eradicate any Umayyad legacy. Unwelcome by the Abbasid Exilarch Solomon eldest son of the exilarch Ḥasdai I, many proto-Karaite Umayyads attempted to preserve themselves from the Abbasid wrath in a plethora of odd sects (Sadducees, Boethusians, Ananites, Isunians, Yudghanites, ‘Ukabarites, Mishawites, etc.) while the Judeo-Islamic Umayyads and their Mahamad continued to rule in Cordoba, Spain until the year 1030. The Judeo-Sufi dynasty of Maimonides also arose in Cordoba. Early Spanish copies of the Quran might expose differences between the Umayyad Qurans and the Abbasid Qurans.

763 Abu Hanifa (Karaite)

Abbasid Caliph Al-Mansur locks Proto-Karaites like Anan I ben David in prison where Abu Hanifa teaches him how to establish Karaite Judaism.

781 Timothy I of Baghdad

Nestorian Catholics Timothy I of Baghdad provides us with perhaps the first documented exegesis of the Abbasid Quran.

Many standard Islamic Doctrines seem to have emerged as attempts to respond to Timothy's exegesis.

833 Ibn Hisham's Islamic narrative

  • God's Messenger the Angel Gabriel revealed a recitation to a man called Muhammad chosen by God to be his Prophet and Messenger.