Kasluchite Nation

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Revision as of 08:47, 12 August 2013 by Kasluch (talk | contribs)


Y-DNA Haplogroup E-Z830 associated with the legends of Oceanus/Ea.

In the Midrash it is rendered Pekosim (Bereshith Rabbah 37). Saadia Gaon identifies it with Sa'id on the upper Nile. The Targum on 1 Chronicles 1:12 translates it as Nasyotai or Gasyotai, denoting Casiotis, the district surrounding Mount Casius, east of Pelusium in Egypt, although the Targum on Genesis 10 reverses the definition of Pathrusim and Casluchim.

Kasluch wed Cush's daughter and sired Nimrod. Nimrod's invaders (Philistim) were born from his Pathrusite wives Argeia and Euryphaessa.

While most of the Kaluchs remained in their ancestral region, Nimrod's EM123 Kasluchs from Ethiopia invaded the land of Canaan where they became known as the "invaders" (Heb: Philistim). The Kasluch children of Oceanus/Ea did well for themselves here and under the leadership of the Pelasgian King Teucer established the kingdom of Troy, the first kingdom known in the land of modern day Turkey. It was founded in 3760BC after the fall of Babel.

The Torah was incredibly influential among the Teukrians which became the basis of Tory's legal code resulting in the Hypsistarian worship of the Most High and certain biblical themes finding their way into Trojan legend. Teukria's Pelasgian people of Oceanus became renowned for their noble character. It is with them that Caphtorian Vulcan found refuge when the Caphtorim cast him out of Olympus to die as a baby. They were so well respected that we find Caphtorite legends often confusing Pelasgians with the Hypsistarian Hyperion or Jove who fathered Perseus, legendary ancestor of the Y-DNA Haplogroup EM34 Achamenids. But Teucrian diplomatic relations with the Proto-Greeks eventually resulted in the start of a Caphtorite dynasty on the throne of Troy and Caria. The Caphtorite dynasty brought about changes in the Teucrian religion and the eventual fall of Troy through the likes of Paris, Achilles, and Idumeneus. Centuries later, when the EM34 Kasluchs were exiled by the Assyrians to Subarian Medea (Sauromatian Aluania), they named it Kush in memory of their Ethiopian homeland. The Taurian nation continued the Trojan legacy after it was scattered and brought the legal code of Troy to Central Eurasia as the Tura which inspired the legends of Tur and the kingdom of Turan. In Medean "Kush" they became known as Kazrugs or Kothrags and Sabirs from whom descended the EM34 Seljuks. In the 460sCE, these "Sabirs" were forced by certain "Avars" to conquer the Onogr. By the 550sCE, the the Y-DNA J Pseudo-Avars had conquered the Kothrigs but drove the majority of them west while escaping the GokTurks.

The Origin of the Khazars

Magor (Malkar) & Hunor’s “Bulgar-Hun” tribes, known as the pro-Byzantium Turkic Onogurs and anti-Byzantium Achamenid Kutrigurs, evolved into the pro-Byzantium Utigurs and anti-Byzantium Khazars respectively. Irnak’s Y-DNA Haplogroup R ‘Onogur/Utigur Kingdom moved its base to the Y-DNA Haplogroup E-M68 Agathyrsi/Akatzir’s Phanagoria region in the 460s as a result of attacks from the E-M34 Achamenid Kutigur Sabir/Sabartoi Asphaloi of Sauromatian Aluania (Kush). The Finnougrian Pseudo-Avars stormed into Europe a century later subjugating the Achamenid Kutrigur while the Onogur/Utigur remained independent.

In the 560sCE, three Y-DNA Q "Huar" Kedarite princes led their Turkic Kermixiones (Red Huns) from the Imaon Mountains to the region of Sarmatian Aluania and subjugated the Drogos, Utigr-Bulgars, and Kutrigr-Bulgars who would soon become known as the Khazars, and Kedarics under the rule of Kubrat.

When the Kedarite Suar/Huar/Uar Turks forced the Avars further west, Byzantium initially sought to encourage the Utigurs to attack the Avars and Kutrigurs but after learning of the historic relations between Utigurs and Kutrigurs fostered a policy of healing the rift between the Onogur/Utigurs and Kutrigurs in the hopes that the Kutrigurs would eventually unite with the Utigurs and overthrow the Avars from within. This was first attempted under the leadership of Altzek around 630, when the Kutrigur Bulgars failed in their revolt against the Avars resulting in the migration of some Bulgars to Ravenna. Finally, having restored their alliance with the Onogur/Utigur under the leadership of Kubrat, the Kutrigurs did succeed in subjugating the Avars extending the Western Turkic Kaghanate all the way to Hungary for a short time. However, following Kubrat’s death, Kothrag dethroned Bulgarios (his brother Batbayan) taking advantage of the Tang attacks which had weakened the eastern frontier. The Avars revolted forcing Kuber and Asparuk’s Onogur/Utigur Bulgars south towards Byzantium leaving Kothrag with a much diminished empire which grew to be known under his descendant Bulan as Khazaria.

See also:
