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Noah was a great Tzadik from head to toe who lived around the time of The Deluge at the lowest point of the long slow decline which brought down the Golden Age of the Sons of God. Following a prophetic revelation, Noah led his family in building the first ship, Noah's Ark, to save them and all kinds of animals from the Deluge. The Ark took them to the Mountains of Ararat from whence his descendants, the remaining People of HaShem, were supposed to spread civilization once more among other descendants of Cain who remained across the face of the planet. Sadly his second wife Naamah was raped by one of his grandchild, Canaan, causing corruption to spread among his descendants spoiling the mission.

Although the Deluge has been identified in Sumeria and the resting place of Noah's Ark has always been associated with North Mesopotamia, there has not been much luck in identifying any historical people known from archaeology with Noah. Nevertheless, Mesopotamian archaeology does attest to the fact that Noah's story was widely known even if he is named inconsistently in such stories.

After the flood had swept over, and the kingship had descended from heaven, the kingship was in Kish. Ignace Gelb identified Kish as the center of the earliest East Semitic culture which he calls the Kish civilization. Kish was the firstborn of Noah's eldest son Ham. Another descendant, Serug, Noah's 5x great grandson is said to have become the first apostate from Noah's covenant. Serug led the Noahites of Sumeria astray and they began to worship En.Lil (Lilith's Lord). Serug's grandson Terakh (Sargon) served as cupbarer to Amraphel (the Lord of the Kingdom of Mari) while Serug's great grandson was the truthseeker who became Abraham.