This is what the Messiases in Ovadiyah 1:21 refers to.
The Ramdu (R. David Valle) in I Settle Giori della Verit says There was a whole fbrication fabrication about the danger of the teachings of that man Yeshu. It was created with false dogmas and it was done in a repugnant manner. The result was that a lot of nations were going to know G-d, and now we have to fix those mistakes... There is a prohibition against looking at a rainbow. It's ot not really forbidden to look at a rainbow. Rather, it really means we cannot see the true essence of a rainbow when we see the colours, for they are all part of the white sunlight. The sunlight is separated when you see a rainbow. You see illusion. You do not see the one light. This is what happened to Christianity. They see the fragmentation and separation and do not see the true light. They do not understand Jesus' true teachings... The purpose of Christianity was to turn Jesus into an idol... Only the false information about Jesus and Christianity, created by the church, creates the illusion of idolatry... The first dove that Noah sent out and came back with Nothing, that is Jesus. He came into the world and tried but did not get the job done... Until now Jacob and Esau fight with each other, two nations that contradict one another, but they could have made an alliance to create the biggest force in the world.
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Rebbe Yehoshuah Minzaret

2 bytes added, 06:02, 7 September 2023
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