# The Land of Honor - Keter - King
<big>The Parable of "The Master of Prayer"</big>
Story #12
Rabbi Nachman of Breslov
==Torah, the Plan of Creation==
(The Master of Prayer said) The king with whom I was had a Hand. * That is, he had an image of a Hand with five fingers.* The lines on the Hand * formed a map of the world.*
Everything that existed from the time Heaven and Earth were created until the end, and even what will exist after that, was inscribed on that Hand. The lines in the hand provided a picture of the structure of every universe with all its details, just like a map. The lines also formed letters, * like the inscriptions on a map, so that one can know what each thing is.
Thus, one can know that in one place there is a city, and elsewhere a river and the like. The lines in the Hand were like captions on a map, inscribed next to each detail on the Hand, so that one could know what it was. Inscribed with the lines on the Hand were the details of all the lands, cities, rivers, bridges, mountains* and other details, (in this world* and in other worlds). Next to each detail there were letters describing it.
Also on the Hand were inscribed the names of all the people traveling in each land, as well as everything that happened to them. It also had inscribed all the paths* from one land to another, and from one place to another.
This is how I knew how to get into the city,* even though it would be impossible for anyone else to get in here. Also if you wished to send me to any other city, I would also know the way. Everything through this Hand.
Also inscribed on this Hand is the path from one world to another. There is a road and a path* upon which one can travel from earth to heaven. * (The only reason that it is impossible to go up to heaven is because people do not know the path; but on the Hand is inscribed the path to heaven.)
On it are written all the paths from one universe to another. Elijah went up to heaven * on one path, and that path is inscribed* on (the Hand). Moses went up* on a different path, and that path is also inscribed. Enoch went up* to heaven in still another way, and that is also inscribed there. The paths from one world to another are also inscribed in the lines of the Hand.
Also inscribed on the Hand is everything as it existed at the time of creation, the way it exists now, and the way it will exist later. Thus, Sodom is inscribed as it was when it was inhabited, before it was destroyed. The destruction and upheaval of Sodom * is then inscribed, as well as the way Sodom exists after it was destroyed. Thus, inscribed on the Hand is what was,,what is, and what will be,*
On the Hand I also saw the land which you described, where you claim that the people are gods, as well as all the men who are going to seek help from them. All of them will be annihilated* and destroyed.
(All the above was the answer that the Master of Prayer gave them.)
This was a great wonder to them. They realized that he was speaking the truth, since they were aware that everything could be drawn on maps. They also recognized his words as being true, because they saw that it was possible to bring together and connect two lines on the hand and form a letter. (They realized that it would have been impossible for him to make up such an account. It was therefore a great wonder to them.)
"Where is your king?" they asked. "Maybe he can tell us how to gain more wealth."
"You still want wealth!" he replied. "I don't want you to mention wealth at all!"
"Still," they insisted, "where is the king?"
"Actually, I don't know where the king is," he answered. "This is what happened."
(The Master of Prayer then related the following story:)
==Mankind before the fall==
There was* a King* and Queen,* and they had an only Daughter. * When she came of age, they sought advice from their counselors as to who would be fit to marry her. I was among the advisors, since the King was very fond of me.
My advice was that she should marry the Mighty Warrior.* The Mighty Warrior had captured many lands, and brought great benefits (to the kingdom), and therefore, it would be proper to have him marry the Queen's Daughter. My advice was well taken and everyone agreed to it. There was a great joy, since a husband had been found for the Queen's Daughter. She married the Mighty Warrior.
The Queen's Daughter gave birth to a Child,* and the infant was extremely beautiful. His beauty was beyond all human bounds. * His hair was gold with all colors * in it, and his face was as bright as the sun. His eyes were like stars.*
The Child was born with a fully developed intellect. (As soon as he was born) it was recognized that he was fully intelligent. When people said something humorous, he would laugh. They recognized that he had a great intellect, except that he did not yet have the coordination of an adult enough to speak, etc.
The King had a Bard, * an orator who was a master of rhetoric and poetry. He could speak and compose wonderful poems, as well as songs and praise to the King. Although the Bard was very skillful in his art in his own right, the King showed him a path * through which he could ascend and receive poetic skills. As a result he became an extremely skilled bard.
The King also had a Wise Man.* The Wise Man was very intelligent in his own right, but the King showed him a path through which he could ascend and receive wisdom. Through this, he became an extraordinarily wise man. .
The Mighty Warrior* was also a warrior in his own right. But the King showed him a path * through which he could ascend and receive great strength. Through this he became an extraordinarily fearsome warrior.
There is a sword* that is suspended in midair. This sword has three powers. When the sword is lifted, all the enemy's officers flee in panic, * and the enemy is automatically defeated. Without any leadership, they cannot do battle.
Still, it is possible for the survivors to get together and do battle. But the sword has two edges, and these have two additional powers. One edge makes the entire (enemy army) fall. * The other edge causes them to become emaciated, * with their flesh falling away.
One need only stand still and swing the sword toward the enemy, and each edge has this effect.
The King showed the Mighty Warrior the path to that sword. It is from there that he received his great strength in battle.
The same was true of me.* The King showed me the path to my occupation. From there I received what I needed. *
The King also had a Faithful Friend. * The bond of friendship between him and the King was wonderful and awesome, so that it was impossible for them to go without seeing each other for any length of time. Nevertheless, there were times when they had to be separated to some extent. Therefore, they had portraits * made of themselves together. Whenever they were separated from each other, they would have great pleasure from these pictures.
The pictures showed the great friendship between the King and his Friend, how they hugged and kissed each other with great affection. These images had the power that anyone looking at them would have feelings of extremely deep love. (That is, the attribute of love would come to whoever gazed at these images.) The Faithful FrienJ also received love from the place that the King showed him.
There came a time when each of (the King's men) went to the place where he would receive his power. The Bard, the Mighty Warrior, and all the other King's men went to their places to renew their powers.
At that time, there was a powerful hurricane,* which threw the whole world into confusion. It transformed * sea into dry land, and dry land into sea; desert into inhabited land, and inhabited land into desert. The entire world was thus turned upside-down.
When this hurricane struck the King's palace, it did not do any damage. However, when the storm struck, it carried away the Child * of the Queen's Daughter. In the middle of the panic caused when the beautiful child was carried away, the Queen's Daughter ran after it. The King and Queen (also pursued). * They became scattered, and no one knows where they are. *
The rest of us were not there at the time, since each of us had gone up to his place to renew his power. When we returned, we could not find them. The Hand was also lost* at that time. Since that time, we became scattered, and none of us can go to his place to renew his power. The whole world was turned upside-down and thrown into confusion, where all the places were exchanged, the sea becoming dry land (and the like). It is certainly impossible now to go up on the original paths; now that places have been altered and exchanged, we need different paths.
Therefore, we are no longer able to return to the places where we renew our powers. Nevertheless, the trace * that remains with each of us is still very great.
==Breaking of Vessels, the Scattering of Nations, the Tower of Babel==
(A soldier from the Mighty Land)* replied to the Master of Prayer, (telling him this story):
It all happened in this manner:
In our chronicles* it is written that there was a great hurricane* in the world. This hurricane turned the whole world upside-down. Sea was transformed into dry land, and dry land into sea. Desolate areas became inhabited, (while inhabited areas became desolate). It threw the whole world into confusion. *
After this period of panic and confusion, where all the world was disoriented, the people of the world decided to elect a king. * They then delved into the question as to who would be mostfit to be elected king. Upon deliberation, they finally said, "The most important consideration is the goal of life. Therefore the person who strives the most toward this goal is the most fit to be king." *
But then they had to determine the goal of life. Regarding this question, there were many factions.
==The Land of Honor, Keter==
One faction said that the main goal is honor.* In the world, the main consideration is honor. If a person is not given proper honor, or if people say something that impinges on his honor, he can even commit murder. He is mortally offended, because honor is most important among people.
Even after death the main consideration is honor. People are careful to honor the dead, burying him with honor. (They even say to him, "Whatever is being done is being done for your sake, for your honor.") The dead have nothing more to do with wealth or pleasure, but still, people are very careful to honor the dead. Therefore honor is the main goal of life. They also had other (confused, foolish) "logical" reasons.
(The same was true of all the other groups, * which shall be discussed presently. They also had logical arguments for their confused, foolish opinions. Some of them are discussed, but the Rebbe, of blessed memory, did not want to present all the confused logic for these opinions. Some of the logic is so twisted that it would be possible for people to take it seriously and fall into error.)
They were thus led to agree that the main goal is honor. They therefore felt that they would have to seek an honored man who also pursued honor. * (Such an "honored man") would be one who pursued honor and also gained honor. If he was an honored man who already had honor, then when he pursued honor, and desired it, his nature would help him attain it. Since the goal is honor, such a man would be striving for the goal and also attaining it. (In their foolish and confused opinion) such a man would be most fitting as king.
They went out to find such a man. They finally discovered an old gypsy beggar who was being carried and followed by some five hundred gypsies. The beggar was blind, crippled and mute, and the people following him were all members of his clan. They were his brothers and sisters, as well as the children that he had sired. These were the people who followed him and carried him.
This beggar was very particular about his honor. He had a nasty temper and was always angry at them and scolding them. He constantly ordered different people to carry him, and then became angry with them.
Obviously, this old beggar was a highly honored person. He also pursued honor, since he was so particular about it. This faction therefore felt that it would be best to accept him as their king.
The land itself also had influence. Some lands had an influence that was particularly conducive to honor, while other lands were conducive to other traits. Therefore, the group which had determined that the main goal was honor) sought a land conducive to honor. They found a land which was particularly good in this respect, and settled there.
==The Land of Murder, Chochmah==
Another faction decided that honor was not the main goal. Instead, they concluded that the main goal was murder. *
It is obvious that all things come to an end and decay. Everything in the world, whether herbs, plants, or people, deteriorates and decays. Therefore, the final goal of everything is decay and destruction.
Hence, a murderer who kills people and destroys lives is doing very much to bring the world to its goal. (This group) therefore concluded that the goal of life is murder. The man who would be most qualified to be king would be a murderer who was easily provoked and was fiercely jealous. (According to their warped opinion) such a person would be qualified to be king.
While seeking such a person, they heard an outcry. "What is this loud outcry?" they asked.
They were told, "The reason for this outcry is that a man just slit the throats of his father and mother!"
"Could there be a murderer with a harder heart or a fiercer temper than this?" they exclaimed. "Here is a man who killed his own father and mother!"
According to their opinion, this man had attained the goal of life, and it was good in their eyes. They accepted him to be their king.
They then chose a land that was conducive to murder. It was a hilly, mountainous land, where murderers lived. They settled there with their king.
==The Land of Food, Binah==
Another faction maintained that the person best qualified to be king was one who had a great abundance of food,* but who did not cat the food of ordinary people, but highly refined food (such as milk, which does not make the mind too physical). Such a person would be qualified to be king.
They could not, however, immediately find a person who was nourished in such a manner. They therefore chose as a temporary king a wealthy man who had a great abundance of food. He would rule until they could find the kind of person whom they desired, who did not eat like other men. Meanwhile, until they found a person with the full qualifications, this wealthy man would be king, after which he would resign.
They accepted this man as king and chose a land that was conducive toward their goal, settling there.
==The land of Beauty, Chesed==
Another faction maintained that a beautiful woman* was most qualified to rule. They held that the main goal was that the land be populated, since it was for this reason that the world was created. Since a beautiful woman arouses the desire to populate the world, she brings about the goal, and such a beautiful woman is best qualified to rule.
They chose a beautiful woman and she became their queen. They then sought out a land conducive to this, and settled there.
==The Land of Speech, Tiferes==
Another group maintained that the main goal was speech. * The primary advantage that man has over other animals is that he is able to speak. They accordingly sought an orator who was expert in language, who knew many languages, and spoke them all the time. Such a person would be closest to the goal.
They went and found a crazy Frenchman* who was constantly talking to himself. They asked him if he knew languages, and he did.
(According to their foolish, confused opinion) he had reached the goal. He was a master of language and knew many languages. Moreover, he spoke very much, since he was constantly talking to himself. He was very good in their opinion, and they accepted him as king. They also chose for themselves a land that was conducive to their concept, and they settled there with their king. One can be sure that he led them in a straight path!
==The Land of Joy, Gevurah==
Another faction maintained that the main goal was joy.* When a child is born, people are joyous. When there is a wedding, they are joyous. When they conquer a land, they are joyous. Therefore, the goal of everything is joy, They therefore sought a man who was always happy. He would be closest to the goal, and was best qualified to be king.
They went and found a heathen* wearing a filthy shirt (and carrying a bottle of whisky). A number of heathens were following him. (Since he was very drunkJ this heathen was very happy. When they saw that this heathen was very happy and had no worries, he was very good in their opinion, since he had attained the goal of joy. They accepted him as their king. One can be sure that he led them in the straight path!
They also chose a land which was conducive to their concept. It was a place of vineyards (and the like), which they could use to make wine. Out of the seeds* they made brandy, so that nothing would go to waste. Their main goal was to become drunk and thus always be happy. Actually, of course, this had nothing to do with their concept of joy, * since they had nothing for which to be happy. Still, they felt that they were attaining their goal by being happy even though they had no reason. They therefore chose a land conducive to this, and they went and settled there.
==The Land of Wisdom, Netzach==
Another faction maintained that the most important thing was wisdom.* They sought for themselves a very wise man and made him their king. They also sought a land which was conducive to wisdom and they settled there.
==The Land of the Mighty, Yesod==
Another faction maintained that the main goal was to pamper* oneself with food and drink,* and thus develop large muscles. They therefore sought a man who had large muscles, and who exercised to enlarge them, since such a person would have large limbs, thus having a greater portion in the world, (taking up more space in the world). The person with the largest limbs would therefore be closest to the goal, and should be king.
They went and found a very tall athlete,* and he was good in their opinion. He was a person with large limbs, and close to the goal, so they accepted him as king. They also sought a land that was conducive to this, and they went and settled there.
==The Land of Prayer, Malchus==
There was another faction who maintained that none of this could be the goal of life. The main goal was to pray to God* and to be humble and lowly.... They sought for themselves a prayer leader* and made him their king.*
(If one examines this, one will understand that-each of these factions was greatly in error except for this last group. Their goal was a true one; happy are they.)
==Scattering of Holy Sparks==
The Master of Prayer and the Mighty Warrior then discussed how they had come to be where they were.
The Mighty Warrior told the Master of Prayer that at the time of the great hurricane, they had all been scattered. When he came back from the place he had gone to renew his power, he did not find the king or any of his men. However, as he traveled he passed by (the King and) all his men. (Although he could not actually find them there, he understood that these were the places of each of the men.
Thus, when he passed by one place, he understood that the King was certainly there, but he could not search for him* so as to find him. When he passed by another place, he understood that the Queen had been there, but he could not find her. Similarly, he passed by the places of all (the King's) men. "However," he concluded (to the Master of Prayer), "I did not pass near your place." *
The Master of Prayer replied (to the Mighty Warrior), "I also passed by the places of all of them, as well as your place.*
"I passed by one place and saw the King's crown* there. I understood that the King was certainly there. However, I had no way of seeking him or finding him.
"I went further and passed a sea of blood. * I understood that this was certainly made from the tears of the Queen,* who had wept because of all that had happened. The Queen was certainly there, but it was not possible to seek and find her.
"Similarly, I passed a sea of milk. * I understood that this was certainly made from the milk of the Queen's Daughter,* whose son was lost. She was strained by her abundance of milk, and this produced the sea of milk. The Queen's Daughter was certainly there, but it was not possible to seek and find her.
"I went further and saw some of the infant's golden hairs* lying on the ground. I did not take any of them. I knew for certain that the infant* was there, but it was not possible to seek and find him.
"I traveled further and passed a sea of wine.* I knew for certain that this was made from the words of the Bard, * who consoled the King and Queen, and then consoled the Queen's Daughter. These words produced the sea of wine (as it is written, 'The roof of your mouth is like the finest wine' (Song of Songs 7:10)). However, I could not find him.*
"I traveled further and saw standing, a stone upon which was engraved an image of the King's Hand,* with all its lines. I realized that (the King's) Wise Man* was there, and that he had engraved an image of the Hand on a stone for himself. However, it was impossible to find him.
"I also traveled further, and saw, arranged on a mountain, golden tables* and credenzas * and other treasures* of the King. I understood that the (King's) Treasurer* was certainly there, but it was not possible to find him."
The Mighty Warrior replied, "I also passed by all these places. I took some of the child's golden hairs. I took* seven hairs,* each of a different color, and they are very precious to me. I remained in my place, and nourished myself with grass and the like as much as possible. Finally, when I did not have anything else to eat, I went on my way. However, when I left my place, I forgot my bow." *
"I saw the bow," replied the Master of Prayer, "and I knew for certain that it was your bow. But I could not find you."
The Mighty Warrior told the Master of Prayer what happened after he left there. "I was traveling continuously until I came to the camp (of the body builders). When I entered the camp, I was ravenously hungry, and I had to eat something. But as soon as I came in, they made me their king. I am now conquering the world. In doing so, I hope that I will be able to find the King and his men."
==The Community of the Master of Prayer==
Once there was a Master of Prayer.* He was constantly engaged in prayer, and in singing songs and praises to God.
He lived away from civilization.* However, he would visit inhabited areas * on a regular basis. When he came, he would spend time with the people, usually those of low status, such as the poor.* He would have heart to heart discussions with them, speaking about the goal. * He would explain that the only true goal was to serve God all the days of one's life, spending one's days praying to God and singing His praise...
He would speak to an individual at great length, motivating him, so that his words entered the other's heart, and the individual would join him. As soon as a person agreed with him, he would take him and bring him to his place away from civilization.
For this purpose, the Master of Prayer had chosen for himself a place far from civilization. There was a river flowing there, as well as fruit trees, whose fruit (he and his followers) would eat.* He was not at all concerned about clothing.*
It was the custom of (the Master of Prayer) to visit inhabited areas, and spread his ideas, convincing people to emulate him, serving God and constantly praying. Whenever people wanted to join him, he would take them to his place away from civilization, where their only activities would be praying, singing praise to God, confession, * fasting, self-mortification, * repentance, and similar occupations. He would give them his books* of prayers, songs, praises, and confessions, and they would occupy themselves with them at all times.
Among the people he brought there, he would find individuals who had the ability to lead others to serve God. He would allow such individuals* to visit inhabited places, and also bring people to serve God.
In this manner, the Master of Prayer constantly spread his teachings. He would constantly attract people and bring them away from civilization.*
Eventually, his teachings began to make an impression, and his activities became well known. People would suddenly vanish without a trace; no one knew where they were. A person might lose a son or a son-in-law, and not have any idea of his where- abouts. But finally people began to realize that all this was due to the Master of Prayer, who was attracting people to serve God.
People tried to capture him,* but it was impossible to recognize him. The Master of Prayer devised clever plans,* and he would constantly disguise himself * in different ways. Every time he visited a person, he would be disguised differently. With one person, he would be a pauper; with another a merchant; while with others, he would have different disguises.
On many occasions when he spoke to the people, he saw that he could not make any impression on them, and could not draw them to his goal. He would then engage in subterfuges, so they would not be aware of his intention. It would appear that his intent was not at all to bring people to God; it was totally impossible to recognize that this was his purpose. Although his main intent was only to draw people close to God, and this was his entire motivation, whenever'he saw that he was not making any impression, he would use roundabout ways so that the person would not recognize his true intent.
The Master of Prayer kept this up until he began to make a major impression on the world. He also became quite famous. People tried to capture him, but it was not possible.
The Master of Prayer and his men lived far away from civilization. They would spend their time engaged only in prayer, song, praise to God, confession, fasting, self-mortification and repentance.
The system of the Master of Prayer was to provide each (of his followers) with what he needed.* If he realized that one of his followers, according to (that follower's) mentality, needed to wear golden robes, * in order to serve God, then he would provide them for him. On the other hand, occasionally he would attract a wealthy person and bring him away from civilization. If he understood that he needed to wear torn, humble clothing, he would instruct him to do so.
This was his general custom. He would provide each one with what he understood to be necessary for him.
For the people he attracted to God, fasting and self- mortification were better and more precious than all wordly enjoyment. They would have greater pleasure* from fasting or self-mortification than from all worldly pleasures.
==The Land of Wealth, Hod==
Meanwhile,* there was a land that had great wealth.* Everyone there was wealthy.
This land, however, had very strange and unusual customs, since everything was made dependent on wealth. Thus, a person's status and worth were determined solely on the basis of his wealth. One who had thousands or ten thousands in cash had a certain rank, while others who had different amounts had a different rank. The entire order of social rank was thus determined by the amount of money that each one had. According to their constitution, the one with the (most) money was king.*
The people there had banners. * There was one banner that denoted a certain amount of money, and a certain rank associated with that banner. For a different sum of money, there would be a different banner, with a different rank associated with it. Thus, a person with one degree of wealth would have a banner conferring one rank, and one with a different degree of wealth would have a different banner, conferring a different rank. Each person's rank and status was thus determined by how much wealth he had.
Rank was determined in the following manner: If a person had a certain amount of money, he was considered an ordinary human being. If he had less than this, then he would be considered a bird or a beast. Some people even had the status of harmful animals and birds. If a person had only a small amount of wealth, he might be considered a human lion or the like. Thus, the poorest among them were considered no better than birds or beasts, since money was the most important thing to them, and status was decided solely on the basis of wealth.
The Land of Wealth falls further into error, turn wealth into religion
News of this land began to spread. The Master of Prayer sighed* because of this and said, "Who knows how far they will go because of this and what great errors they will make!"
Some of the Master of Prayer's men visited that land without even seeking his advice. They wanted to bring the people back to the good way, since they had great pity on them for having fallen into such great error through their desire for wealth. They were all the more concerned since the Master of Prayer had said that (the people of that land) could fall into even greater error. These men therefore went to the land, hoping to be able to get them improve their ways.
When they came to that land, they approached an individua Most probably they approached a "wild beast," (that is, a person who had so little wealth and such low rank that he was considered a wild animal). They began to speak to him in their way, telling him that (wealth) is no goal at all, and the only true goal is to serve God.
The individual, however, would not listen to them at all. The belief that money was the main thing in life was too deeply rooted in the people there. They went to another individual and he too would not listen.
Finally, (one of the Master of Prayer's men) engaged a man in conversation, speaking to him at great length. The man eventually said, "I don't have any more time to speak to you."
"Why?" asked the other.
(The man) replied, "Because we are all preparing to move away from this land. We are migrating to another area. Since we realize that the main goal in life is only wealth, we have decided to move to a land where we can amass wealth. It is a place where gold and silver can be taken from the ground. We are all prepared to migrate to that land."
(Around this time) the people agreed that they wanted to establish (the rank of) stars and constellations. * If a person had a certain agreed-upon amount of wealth, he would be a star.
The logic was that one who had that much wealth had the power of a star, since a star can increase the amount of gold in the world. Wherever gold ore * exists, it is because the star made gold dust grow in that area. Therefore, gold is derived fro ' in the stars; hence, one who had a certain amount of wealth was considered to have the power of a star. Therefore, he himself was also a "star."
They also conferred the rank of "constellation." If a person had a certain determined amount of wealth, he would be a "constellation."
Eventually, they also established the rank of "angel." * This too depended on a person's wealth.
Finally, they also agreed to confer the rank of "gods." * If a person had a huge amount of wealth as set up in their rules, then he would be a "god." Since God had granted him such great wealth, that person would also be a "god."
Once this had been established, they agreed that it was not fitting for them to remain in the atmosphere of this world.* Moreover, it was not considered fitting for them to mix with other people in the world, since this would defile them. They considered all other people in the world to be unclean.
They therefore decided that they would search for the highest mountains in the world and live there. Then they would be higher than all the air in the world.
They sent out explorers to find the highest mountains. They explored and found very high mountains, and all the people of that land migrated to these mountains. On every mountain there was a group of people from that land.
Around each mountain they erected great fortifications.* They also made deep trenches around the mountain, so that it would be utterly impossible for anyone to approach them. The only approach was through a hidden path* to the mountain, so that no strangers would be able to come to them. Similar fortifications were also erected around all the other mountains.
Guards were stationed far from the mountains so that no strangers would be allowed to approach them. They lived there in the mountains and abided by their customs.
These people worshiped many gods. They were appointed on the basis of wealth. Since wealth was the main thing to these people, through a great amount of wealth, one could become a god.
This, however, brought about great concern about murder and robbery. * People would be very ready to kill and steal, since they could become gods with the stolen money. (They were afraid to, however,) because (the wealthy were considered gods). They were thus considered to be able to protect themselves from robbery and assassination.
They set up a system of services and sacrifices to their' 'gods." They would also offer human sacrifices. * Many people. would also voluntarily offer themselves as sacrifices to their "gods," believing that they would then become incorporated into them, and later be reincarnated as wealthy men.
They thus institutionalized their belief in wealth. They had services, sacrifice and incense* which were used to serve (the extremely wealthy people who were) their gods.
Nevertheless, there was much killing and robbery in the land. People who did not believe in their religion became murderers and thieves in order to amass wealth. Their main thing in life was money. With money, one could buy anything, whether it be food or clothing. According to their belief system, human existence was based on money.
Wealth was therefore the focus of their belief. Every effort was made that there not be any lack of money since it was their main object of faith and the focus of their gods. They made every effort to bring wealth from other places to their land. Merchants were therefore sent out to do business in other lands so as to earn money and bring it back to their homeland.
According to their religion charity was a very great sin. * They believed that if a person gave charity, it would diminish* the influx of wealth that God had given him. The main goal was to have as much wealth as possible, and if one gave charity, it would blemish and diminish one's wealth. It was therefore forbidden in the strongest terms to give charity.
They also had officers. These officers were in charge of determining whether or not each person had as much wealth as he claimed. Each Individual would have to be able constantly to demonstrate his wealth in order to retain his wealth-status.
Sometimes an animal would become a human being, and at other times, a human would become an animal. If a person lost his wealth, then he would become an animal, who did not have to have so much money. Similarly, if an "animal" amassed wealth, he could become a human being. This was true of all ranks; rank could be (gained or lost) depending on one's wealth.
These people also had images and icons of (the wealthy people who were) their gods. They 1% would embrace these images and kiss them. This was part of their religious service.
The Master of Prayer's virtuous followers (who had visited the land of wealth) returned home and told the Master of Prayer about the foolishness and great error of the land. They related how these people had become confused because of their lust for wealth, and how they wanted to move to another land and set up the rank of stars and constellations.
The Master of Prayer replied that he was afraid that these people would become involved in even greater error.
Then he heard that they had made themselves into gods. The Master of Prayer said that this had been his original concern. He had great pity on these people and decided that he himself would go there, since he might be able to make them abandon their error.
When the Master of Prayer arrived in that land, he approached the guards who stood around the mountain. These watchmen were probably insignificant individuals of low rank, since they were allowed to breathe the atmosphere of the world. Citizens who had rank as a result of their wealth would not breathe the atmosphere of the world and could not mingle with other people, since they believed that this would defile them. They could not even speak to foreigners, since they believed that they would become defiled by their breath. (Therefore, the guards who stood outside the city must have been of very low rank.)
Nevertheless, the guards had images which they would constantly embrace and kiss. Belief in wealth was also their religion.
The Master of Prayer approached one guard, and began to discuss the goal of life. He explained that the main goal is only to serve God through Torah, prayer and good deeds. Wealth is mere foolishness, and is not the goal at all...
The guard would not listen to him at all. All his life he had been imbued with the belief that the main thing is wealth.
When the Master of Prayer went to a second guard and spoke to him, this guard also would not listen to him. He went to all the guards in this manner, but none of them* would pay any attention to him.
The Master of Prayer finally made up his mind that he would go into the city on the mountain.* When he arrived, the people considered it a great wonder. "How did you get here?" they asked. "It is impossible for any outsider to come here."
"I have already got in," he replied. "It does not matter how I did it. Why bother asking me about it?"
The Master of Prayer began to speak to one of the people about the goal of life, but the other refused to listen. He went to a second, and the same thing happened. None of them would listen to him, since they were totally immersed in their false belief.
The citizens of the city found it very surprising that someone would speak to them in this manner, which was directly opposed to their faith. Soon, however, people began to realize that this stranger might be the Master of Prayer. They had already heard that such a Master of Prayer existed.
The existence of the Master of Prayer was already well known in the world. Throughout the world, he was called, "The religious Master of Prayer." However, it was (known that it was) impossible to recognize or capture him, since he would always appear in a different disguise. He would appear to one person as a merchant, and to another as a pauper.
(When the Master of Prayer realized that his identity had been discovered, he immediately fled from the land.
[[Category:Benamozegh Approach]]

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Noahides as understood by Rabbi Nachman

No change in size, 11:16, 5 July 2006
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