Zurvanism is a sect of Zoroastrianism which regards Ahura Mazda as nothing but an angel of the High-God which they call Zurvan.
This wikipage represents research in progress.
Comments and suggestions are invited.
It is an attempt to review each of the largest faiths held by the [[Seventy nations]]. Following a description and brief summary of the religion, an attempt is made to identify which parts of that faith are incompatible with [[the Seven Laws]] of Noach. There are two goals in this effort: First, for believers who are currently belong to these faiths to become aware of what the Noachide Noahite Laws require of all humanity. Second, to try to isolate, identify and retain the national character of the faith so that a Noachide is left with a deep and fulfilling expression of his faith.
For each of the largest faiths, we include:
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125 bytes added, 14:50, 28 October 2020
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