Freemasonry and Noachite Law

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The 21st degree in the different rites of freemasonry is Noahide or Prussian Knight. See Mahomet for clues to the Sabian origins of free-masonry. This is not to say that free-masonry has not gone astray over the years just like christianity. Free-masonry is just as much a modern invention as satanism, and only laid claim to certain strands of Theosebeia but this does not mean the system can not be salvaged. It was Simon Kefa (Peter) Bar Jonah who is most famous in Judaism for Noahidifying Gnosticism which is what Freemasonry came from with strong elements of pure Sabianism (noahidism as taught by Budasaf) mixed with Gnostic mysticism having undone the efforts of Simeon Kefa.