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Revision as of 14:01, 7 November 2020 by פטר חמור (talk | contribs) (610)

The proto-Karaites spoke Achamenid.

The proto-Karaites were readers of the Kareyana (from which comes the word Koran) which refers to the Bible or Miqra in Hebrew, which predates the Tanakh (assembled in 200CE).

Proto-Karaites considered themselves descendants of the Kingdom of Israel and harboured great animosity towards Judeans.

The proto-Karaites were governed by a clerical office called a Ma'amad or Hakhamate under Nehemiah ben Hushiel appointed by Khosrow following the execution of Haninai in 591. Just as Abu Isa after them, the proto-Karaites referred to their Hakhamate as the "Nabi". In fact there were very particular marriage rules which applied to the Nabi Clerical Class also known as the Ahl ulBayt. The rules were similar to the Yukhasin categories observed by other Jews and to those which pertained to the Feudal class in Europe.

Karaite theory suggests that Idumeans would have taken to Christianity being convinced that they were people of Esau and may have regarded Jesus as a sort of "Moses" for the children of Esau in much the same way that Moses was to the children of Jacob. According to the same theory, Hagar's children wee also awaiting their "Moses". However, for proto-Karaites, the Ieso in the Quran refers not to Rebbe Yehoshuah Minzaret but to Plony Yeshu HaNotzri Ben Stada who they nick-named in Hebrew "מסיח" meaning "distracting" but did not regard him as Moshia'. They regarded him as a Messenger to the Idumeans and promoted the idea of Mahmouda ibn Ishmael as a Messenger to the Ishmaelites.

Salat 3 times a day.


De-occultation of Mars from beneath the crescent moon on 2nd of March is taken as the sign for war to come from Sassan. Proto-Karaites under Ostikan (Caliph) Nehemiah ben Hushiel, with Quraysh invade the Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

Khosrow II sends proto-Karaites under Ostikan (Caliph) Nehemiah ben Hushiel to take Syria from Phocas.

Asma was born in 595 and was old enough to remember the arrival of refugees who had escaped Phocas. She was 15 years old when the men in her family were sent to invade Jerusalem in 610 by the Sassanian Emperor Khosrow II.

Khosrow's astrologers had seen the deoccultation of Mars from the Cresent moon on the 2nd of March 610 and interpreted it as the time for Sassan to go to war against Phocas.

The proto-Karaites were led by the Ma'amad of Ostikan (Caliph) Nehemiah ben Hushiel and succeeded in establishing themselves as Khosrow's rulers over Syria. They invade the Patriarchate of Jerusalem with the Quraysh.

The proto-Karaites were overjoyed and Asma's tribe went to join the conquering heros. According to the Doctrina Jacobi, many Jews began to believe that their awaited prophet had come while others condemned Nehemiah's armies.

Their joy was short lived.


The first Hijra is when the Persians betrayed the Jews. Nehemiah's Ma'amad or "Council of the Righteous" was evicted from the Holy Land and garrisoned themselves in Edessa. At the same time, a Zera Israel Ishmaelite converted from Marcionism to Judeo-Baptist Gnosticism called Iyas ibn Qabisha seeks refuge with those proto-Karaites having been ousted from Al-Hira by Azadbeh. Having already been raised to Mahmoudan status he joins their Ma'amad.

Khosrow II betrays the proto-Karaites. Proto-Karaites are evicted to edessa by the Quraysh who prevent them from access to Al-Masjid Al-Haram and prevent the Noahite Gnostics from access to Al-Masjid Al-Haram.


Heraclius offers the proto-Karaites the Araba.


Heraclius begins to promote a kind of monophsitism and evicts the proto-Karaites from Edessa but grants them weapons and an imperial stele to conquer the desert interpreted by the proto-Karaites as Arabah. They appeal to Mahmud ibn Ishmael of the Quraysh for help to raise an army of Hagarim in Tachkastan changing Heraclius's words towards their own idea that whatever his origin, Jesus had one Human will (Monothelitism).

Heraclius likely was unconscious of the difference and happy that he had more allies attacking the Sassanians for him.


Honorius I becomes Pope on the 27th of October.


Quraysh-controled Ghassanids are attacked in the battle of Mu-tah, Jordan


Heraclius interviews Quraysh concerning Mahmouda ibn Ishmael.

Heraclius and his allies defeat Quraysh and enter Jerusalem on March 21 with the "True Cross".

Arabs take Al-Karak


In 632 Yazdegard was under the control of Banu Bakr.

Aisha is the Arabic form of the Hebrew word for Wife.

Does the word refer to Rayhana Bint Zayd of the Koreiza (proto-Karaites)?


However, in 633 Quraysh invaded Al-Hira with Khalid.


Mehmet's Taji fight 12 miles east of Gaza at this time according to Thomas the Presbyter.


In 635 Yazdegrd made an alliance with Heraclius against the Quraysh in Tachkastan.

The Standard Islamic Narrative (SIN) states that Pope Honorius I accepted the Arab religion. In fact he only declared Monothelitism in a letter dated to this year. The Echo or historical kernal behind the SIN indicates the new religion must be Monothelitism which regardless of Church apologetics must therefore only logically mean the "Arian-like" doctrine that the one and only will that Jesus had was a regular human will. It is likely that Pope Honorius was aware of the Saracen raids of 629,630 and 634 and aware that Byzantium was unable to engage in any more wars and that Monothelitism was probably the only practical solution for the time. But Heraclius was Eutychian at heart and was reluctant to abandon his position until it was already too late.


Yazdegard betrayed Heraclius by surrendering to Quraysh.

Under the Quraysh, a marriage is arranged between Prince Shahriyar's daughter Shahrbonu and Ali's son Husseyn putting him in line for the Persian Throne.

Quraysh proceeded to take the Holy land until Umar came to power.


The Quraysh leader Umar is very impressed by Miaphysitism.


Heraclius surrenders Syria and submits to Monothelitism with the Ecthesis, stating that despite alleged miraculous origins, Jesus had only one human will exhibited when he said "not my will but thy will be done" being clearly distinct from G-d's will. This view is compatible with Judaism and accurately reflects the standard position in Quraysh Islam.

The Eccthesis essentially commands the Ghassanids to submit to the Quraysh.




After the death of Umar in 644 the Quraysh are ruled by a Quraysh convert to the Judeo-Baptist Gnostic Faith called Uthman. Uthman wanted to stop the spread of Judeo-Baptist Gnostic material in other languages and tried to include many Karaite ideas. He also tried to win support from Pope Martin of Gaza. But his attempts were ultimately unsuccessful. Yazdegard III attempted an unsuccessful uprising against Uthman before fleeing with his Nestorian sons to Central Asia where he was given a Christian burial.


Tyops of Constans replaces Ecthesis. The Typos of Constans was issued to suppress discussion over Monothelitism. It is opposed by Quraysh as well as by Pope Martin of Gaza.

Quraysh refuse to put Constans on their Drahmas.


The Byzantines arrest Pope Martin accusing him of providing the Quraysh a 'Tomus' concerning "what they should believe" and sentence him to death. Pope Martin, Ep. 14, PL 87, 199A, (ca. 653 AD)

After they finished their conquests, their Caliphate consisted of 7 provinces:

  • Levant
  • Arabia
  • Egypt
  • Africa
  • Indo-Persia
  • Central-Eurasia
  • Andalusia


United Quraysh conquer the Mediterranean following Maximus the confessor's journey to Rome.


Ali becomes Caliph except over Syria where Muawiya has seceded.

Uthman appointed Ali his successor when he died but the Bakr family tried to prevent Ali's family from becoming Persia's rulers. Although Ali's family was not overthrown, western Quraysh under Muawiya seceded Syria from the Empire.


Death of Ali

Ali was followed by Husseyn which is when the Quraysh saw their opportunity and had Husseyn killed to established themselves on the throne instead. That lead to a civil war. Muawiya won but agreed that Husseyn would be his successor as king of the Arabs.


Sebeos indicates that the Caliphate is a satellite of the Antichrist and depicts Muawiya as rejecting Christ, but according to other sources, Muawiya's daughter was baptised. He also prayed at the tomb of Mary in Gethsemane and at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre after being entering alliance with Byzantines and being crowned king of Jerusalem It seems Muawiya, despite his earlier beliefs was a convert to something recognisable as Christianity.


Death of Husseyn

Muawiya's son like the rest of the Quraysh did not honour the arrangement and had Husseyn killed leading to the rebellion of the Banu Bakr under the leadership of ibn Al-Zubayr as the rightful Sassanian King.


Western Quraysh (Umayyad) Abdul Malik crushes Banu Bakr killing Ibn Al-Zubayir and his mother Asma.

The Quinisext Council of Trullo causes Abdul Malik to adopt Iconoclasm so as not to be accused of being one who tramples the cross.

Nevertheless, Abdul Malik supported John of Daylam.


Birth of Abu Hanifa.


Philippicus Bardanes attempts to rehabilitate Monothelitism to counter the development of Islam.


Death of the 4th Imam Ali son of Hussein and Shahrbonu.


Eastern Quraysh (Abbasids) take control as the Abbasids.


Abbasid Caliph Al-Mansur locks Proto-Karaites like Anan I ben David in prison where Abu Hanifa teaches him how to establish Karaite Judaism.

to merge

Aisha is the Arabic form of the Hebrew word for Wife. It refers to Rayhana Bint Zayd of the Koreiza (proto-Karaites).

Muawiya was an Ercolian proto-Karaite who at 58 became King of the Arabs and accepted the Typos of Constans before he died at the age of 78.

The Saracens were Ercolian Karaites (more commonly known as Umayyads) were proto-Karaites who spoke Achamenid.


Khosrow saw that it was more profitable to pander to the Christians of Syria than allow proto-Karaites to rule them and evicted the proto-Karaites in 617 when Muawiya was just 15.

The first Hijra is when the Persians betrayed the Jews. Nehemiah's Ma'amad or "Council of the Righteous" was evicted from the Holy Land.

Muawiya's family garrisoned themselves in Edessa.

At the same time, a Zera Israel Ishmaelite converted from Marcionism to Judeo-Baptist Gnosticism called Iyas ibn Qabisha seeks refuge in Tachkastan having been ousted from Al-Hira by Azadbeh. Having already been raised to Mahmoudan status he uses the title Mahmouda.

After invading Egypt in 619 Khosrow declared himself to be God of Gods and stripped all religious symbolism from his coins leaving only images of himself.

Military Career

Heraclius went to war against Khosrow and won many victories in the year 622. Heraclius begins to promote a kind of monophsitism.

Many Parthian families declared their allegiance to August Heraclius who even treated the proto-Karaites of Edessa with clemency when he evicted them, granting them rule over the Arabah instead and the support of Parthian armies if they would join him in his conquest of Khosrow. Heraclius grants them weapons and an imperial stele to conquer the desert interpreted by the proto-Karaites as Arabah.

Muawiya was now a young man of 20 and his father declares that the Karaites have to accept Mahmouda ibn Ishmael into their Ma'amad and join his army in several battles against the Sassanians.

Muawiya's people appeal to Mahmud ibn Ishmael for help to raise an army of Hagarim in Tachkastan changing Heraclius's words towards their own idea that whatever his origin, Jesus had one Human will (Monothelitism).

Heraclius likely was unconscious of the difference and happy that he had more allies attacking the Sassanians for him.