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Edemen refers to the Malkar (Maghar) brother of Ed and son of the Dulo clan's Csaba and his Hvariz wife. He was the father of Bulgarios, Kazarig and Onogundur who brought large numbers of Hvariz into Europe when they restored Hun rule in Romania, Ukraine and Adygea following the eviction of their father Ernak/Csaba from Europe. In Europe the Hvariz were known as Avars. Sandilch's Adygeans submitted to the Gokturks and were incited against their Kazarig brethren who acted in concert with Bulgarios. The Kazarigs eventually submitted while Bulgarios the ruler of the the Pannonian Hvariz did not submit to the Gogturks since they considered that he had appointed himself the title of "Avar Chagan" without their permission.

The name Edemen refers to the unique Romanized character of this nation which distinguished it from other Huns.