
Revision as of 14:47, 6 November 2022 by פטר חמור (talk | contribs) (Sar HaPanim)

Revision as of 14:47, 6 November 2022 by פטר חמור (talk | contribs) (Sar HaPanim)

Written by Eleazar Kallir it became part of the Romaniote liturgy in the 7th century from which it passed into the Ashkenazi and Sephardic liturgy. It is an extremely important piyyut for Messianic Noahites to say on Yom Kippur. The Messianic Chabadniks have been making a concerted effort to get it removed from all Machzorim.

There is no other Yeshua relevant to Noahites.

יְהִי רָצוֹן מִלְפָנֶיךָ,

Yehee ratson mil-fan-eicha,
May it be your will from your presence

שֶׁתְּקִיעַת תשר"ת שֶׁאֲנַחְנוּ תּוֹקְעִין,

shet-kee-at TaShRaT she-anachnu toke-een,
That the blowing of Tekiah:Shevarim:Teruah:Tekiah that we blow,

תְּהֵא מְרוּקֶּמֶת בִּירִיעָה,

tee-heh me-ru-kemet be yeree-ah
will be woven in a curtain

עַל יְדֵי הַמְּמוּנֶּה (טרטיאל),

al yadei ha-memu-neh (Tartiel)
by hand of the one in charge, (Tartiel)

כְּשֵׁם שֶׁקִּבַּלְתָּ עַל יְדֵי אֵלִיָהוּ ז"ל (וִישׁוּעַ שַׂר הַפָּנִים) וְשַׂר מט"ט,

ke-SHEM she-kibalta al yad Eliyahu zachur la-tov
(vi-YESHUA Sar HaPanim) ve-Sar Metatron,
as a name that you have received by the hand of Eliyahu remembered for good
(and Yeshua Prince of the Presence) and Prince Metatron,

וּתְמַלֵּא עָלֵינוּ בְּרַחֲמִים.


בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה בַּעַל הָרַחֲמִים:

Baruch atah Ba-al ha-racha-meem
Blessed are You Master of Mercy

Sar HaPanim

Ohr Chayim on Holy Sparks says that there is a type of holy spar that is attached to the Qelipah and which cannot emerge at all. It cannot develop into a holy soul that is born and eventually joins the Jewish people. Rather it is enmeshed within the Qelpah and it has no way to separate from it other than through the Jews being pained through the suffering of exile OR through the blows inflicted upon them. Through this suffering the holiness within these nations can be extracted and returned to its root to become part of the Jewish people. See Az mi-lifnei vereishit.

Ramchal says in Ma'amar HaGeulah Siman 36 says that all the sparks of holiness must be returned to their original place, then the exiles will be gathered in.

The greater sparks of Holiness have been completely removed from the Qelipah and the only ones left are those in the heel. Sar haPanim is the Yod taken from Esav's heel which redeems the sparks from Qelipah as when the "feet touch the feet".

He is currently binding wounds at the gates of Rome (Edom) from whence he will come to bring about the Messianic Era.

Kinat Ad*nai Tzevaot says that there is a Great Rome and there is a Small Rome and there the Mashiachim (Sar HaPanim) sit, one in terms of Great Rome and one in terms of Small Rome and from there the sparks needed for Israel are sorted. And their suffering eases the punishment of Israel.