The Ramchal says (in Siman 36) that there are three states of holiness which fell downwards.... there are holy sparks which are the neshamot that are destined to emerge. There are holy sparks that belong to the spiritual luminaries themselves. There are holy sparks which sustain the sitra achra. All of these states need to be elevated and there are three functions at three appointed times which are needed to elevate them. The neshamot emerge first. When the process of their emergence is completed then the redemption will occur. The parts that belong to the spiritual luminaries will become manifest with the advent of Mashiach ben Yosef. If the generation is unworthy, then he will have to die and in death he will elevate them.
This is what the Messiases in Ovadiyah 1:21 refers to.
The Ramdu (R. David Valle) in I Settle Giori della Verit says There was a whole fbrication about the danger of the teachings of that man Yeshu. It was created with false dogmas and it was done in a repugnant manner. The result was that a lot of nations were going to know G-d, and now we have to fix those mistakes.
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