Washing hands for bread

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Washing the hands

Rabbi Schwartz’s comment: The only reason to ask a Ben Noah to wash his/her hands is out of respect for prayers and as a reminder that every person should have hands that are clean from wrong doing toward his fellow man. For these purposes any method of washing hands should suffice. -- Rabbi Yoel Schwartz, Oklahoma B’nai Noah Society DRAFT Rosh Hashanah prayer book

Saying the blessing

Here is a question from the Spanish language section of the Sanhedrin forum, from 6th of Mar Cheshvon, 5768.

shalom Rabino
la única forma de hacer Netilat Yadaim es por medio de la Berajot que contiene Asher Kideshano vemitzvotaiv vetzivanu... Puede un Ben Noaj decir: Baruj Ata HaShem Elokeinu Melej HaOlam Al Netilat Yadaim?

Which says

Shalom Rabbi
Is the only way to do Netilat Yadaim is through the Berajot containing Asher Kideshano vemitzvotaiv vetzivanu ... ? Can a Ben Noah say: "Baruch Ata HaShem Elokeinu Melej HaOlam Al Netilat Yadaim?"

I submitted the question to Rabbi Hollander, who presented the question to Rabbi Schwartz, the head of the Beis Din for Bnei Noah.


Rabbi Schwartz has previously said that it is not required for a Bnai Noah to say a blessing before washing hands for bread. If a Bnai Noah voluntarily wants to say a blessing which blessing should he say:
1. Baruch Ata HaShem Elokeinu Melej HaOlam Asher Kideshano bamitzvotaiv, vemitzvotaiv vetzivanu Al Netilat Yadaim (Blessed are you Hashem, G-d, King of the Universe, who has sanctified us through the commandments, and commanded us concerning washing the hands)
2. Baruch Ata HaShem Elokeinu Melej HaOlam Asher Kideshta Otam vemitzvotaiv vetzivata Otam Al Netilat Yadaim (Blessed are you Hashem, G-d, King of the Universe, who has sanctified them through the commandments, and commanded them concerning washing the hands)
3. Baruch Ata HaShem Elokeinu Melej HaOlam Asher Ma'avsher Li La'asot Al Netilat Yadaim (Blessed are you Hashem, G-d, King of the Universe, who allowed us/enabled us concerning washing the hands)
4. Baruch Ata HaShem Elokeinu Melej HaOlam Al Netilat Yadaim (Blessed are you Hashem, G-d, King of the Universe, concerning washing the hands)


Rabbi Schwartz' recommendation is # 4, "Baruch Ata HaShem Elokeinu Melej HaOlam Al Netilat Yadaim"