Shalom! I'm Dr. Yosi Khœn and I serve HaShem as an online Chaplain/Influencer for [[Messianic Noahites]] and I have about 2040 2050 followers around the world through a Youtube channel on the Noachite Judaism for Messianic Noachites.
Although of Ethnic-Hebrew heritage myself, I had a very slow introduction to Orthodox Judaism following an Antisemitic attack during Government Sponsored Postgraduate Research Scholarship at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow in 2000 following which I moved to Korea. I began to attend Synagogue on the US Army Base in Yongsan (Seoul, South Korea) under [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UmLurG7YeM U.S.A.F. Chaplain Lieutenant Colonel Rav Brett Oxman], sporadically from 2001 until I became a regular in early 2003. I was soon hooked on Romaniote Jewish Minhag which I began to try and communicate to Messianists through the concept of [[Petterine Noahism]]. I first came into contact with [https://www.facebook.com/282442751904095/posts/1530783400403351/ the Sanhedrin project] through [https://www.google.com/search?q=Chaim+richman&client=avast-a-1&source=hp&ei=KbQQZPDXHLuBhbIPxpCg-AE&iflsig=AK50M_UAAAAAZBDCOf0imDO7SS7YdM5kwXNTBZ-aFhgq&ved=0ahUKEwiwkLeI_tv9AhW7QEEAHUYICB8Q4dUDCAo&uact=5&oq=Chaim+richman&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQguEIAEMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIFCAAQhgM6DgguEIAEELEDEMcBENEDOggIABCABBCxAzoICAAQsQMQgwE6CwgAEIAEELEDEIMBOg4ILhCABBCxAxCDARDUAjoLCC4QgAQQsQMQgwE6DgguELEDEIMBEMcBENEDOggILhCxAxCDAToICC4QgAQQ1AI6CAguEIAEELEDOgsILhCxAxCDARDUAjoICC4QsQMQgAQ6CwguEIAEEMcBEK8BOgUIABCABDoECAAQAzoKCAAQgAQQsQMQCjoQCC4QgAQQsQMQxwEQ0QMQCjoNCC4QgAQQxwEQrwEQCjoHCAAQgAQQClAAWNgQYKASaABwAHgAgAGhA4gBvg6SAQc0LjguNC0xmAEAoAEB&sclient=gws-wiz Chaim Richman] in 2004 and by 2006 I was working on this Wikinoah project as a Shabbati Jew. The current Nasi of the Sanhedrin, Rav Meir Hakak HaLevi, became my Sandak in August 2008 after I had completed my first year at a Crimean Shabbati seminary. By Summer 2010 I had been awarded a full scholarship to [https://www.woolf.cam.ac.uk/ Cambridge University's Woolf Institute] by Dr Dawud Bone for the Study of abrahamic Abrahamic Faiths and had completed my Teshuva to Orthodox Judaism. I made Aliyah in Summer 2015 and the Bei Abedan project for Messianic Noahites in Summer 2020 with the support of the then Sanhedrin Nasi [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoel_Schwartz Rav Yoel Schwartz].
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