United Noachide Council, Inc.
United Noachide Council, Inc was founded in 2006 by Billy Jack Dial to serve the needs of Noachides worldwide.
One of the primary organization’s goals and future purpose is to support a democratically run General Noachide Council that represents the interests and needs of "All" Noachide Communities throughout the world, and ultimatly to support a Supreme United Noachide Council composed of only qualified Noachide judges which will have graduated from a yeshiva for B'nei Noach in Israel.
Branch UNC, Inc. organizations are in process of formation at various locations throughout the world. The goal of the UNC, Inc. organization is to have branches in every country.
Goals of the organization
The goals of the United Noachide Council are:
- To set up a democratically run Noachide Council, which will seek to sponsor Noachide Yeshiva students from every Noachide Country in the world to study to become fully qualified Noachide Judges. A five to ten year Hebrew only program of study in Noachide and Oral Laws is currently being formulated and will be administered by Various Orthodox Rabbis, and will be located in Israel.
- Noachide Judges graduating from this program will be eligible to sit on the United Noachide Supreme Council. The Supreme Council will decide questions of Noachide law and oversee development of their respective Noachide communities of origin. Graduates of the program will also be fully qualified to act as Noachide community judges of Noachide law and to assize Noachide courts in their respective communities of origin. The United Noachide Council and its Supreme Council will rely upon spiritual guidance and oversight by the Rabbinical bet din composed from the rabbinical teachers of the yeshiva, to whom ultimately disputed questions of Noachide Law will be referred.
- The United Noachide Council will meet at least annually holding a public conference attended by the general public and Bnai Brit which will feature an educational speaker panel. The highlight of the Conference will be public attendance of the United Noachide Council Organizational Annual meeting where an Oath-Brit ceremony for all who desire to make an oath holding a Safer Torah in the presence of a bet din. Certificates will be issued and participants will be enrolled in the Global Registrar to receive full benefets of the Bnai Noach Brit relationship with their fellow Bnai Brit Noach and Bnai Brit Israel.
- The United Noachide Council Credit Union program will support Bnai Brit Noachides and Bnai Brit Israel communities in development and assistance through Gemach (Gemilat Chesed-Interest Free Loan Funds) and/or low interest loans, and Tzedaka (Charity Funds) supporting the full range of interests and needs relating to mitzvah purposes of the participating communities. Interests represented in this forum are anticipated to range from community-specific development or assistance needs to political advocacy. A special emphasis will be placed on educational needs.
- To establish a global outreach program including but not limited to: web based education, print ready brochures, flyers, Brit Noah information cards, etc.
- To support research into the history of the Noahide movement and Noahides since the second temple period to better understand Judeo-Christian relations and — perhaps more urgently — to understand the nature of Judeo-Islamic relations in the context of history and the role of noahides.
- To establish a Noahide Shoppe for study books, reference books, educational material, greeting cards, gift items produced or manufactured by Brit Noah like t-shirts, coffee mugs, calendars, etc.
- Future projects to be announced as the community expresses interest and funds become available.
Philosophy and Approach
The core of our Affiliation is the Foundation of the Sheva Mitzvot, we do not all have to be exactly alike to work together. Therefore, the UNC invites every Noachide and their local Orthodox Rabbi or Jewish teacher to become a contributing member of the United Noachide Council, Inc. regardless of affiliation to support the programs decided upon by a general United Noahide Council. Furthermore they invite every Noachide to become a member of United Noachide Council's efforts, to participate in formulation of our conference agenda, and selection of community representatives, i.e. United Noachide General Council Members, to vote on agenda items to be discusses at the next annual conference.
Leaders and Legal framework
Atlanta, April 4, 2006—The world headquarters of United Noachide Council, Inc., was incorporated March 30, ’06, Rosh Chodesh Nisan 5766, as a US domestic non-profit corporation in the State of Georgia. The United Noachide Council was implemented after over a year of planning and with rabbinical consultation by Billy J. Dial, of Atlanta, former member of the Noahide High Council organized by the Nascent Sanhedrin of Tiberias, Tevet 9, 5766.
Current UNC, Inc. Board members include:
- Billy J. Dial, Acworth GA, President;
- Jon Reich, Atty, Marietta GA. Treasurer;
- Ron Wachman, Atlanta, GA. Secretary;
Current members of the UNC, Inc. B'nei Israel Board of Advisors:
- Rabbi Julius Hollander; Israel (Participant in the Nascent Sanhedrin)
- Rabbi Moshe Kerr, Israel; (Participant in the Nascent Sanhedrin)
- Rabbi Aaron Benjamin Frimer; Canada
- Rabbi Tamir Kastiel; Israel (Chabad emissary and Jewish orthodox Rabbi of the Chabad community in a neighborhood called Katamon in Jerusalem, Israel.)
- Ben Abrahamson, (B.S. Comp Sc & Psychology, background in linguistics and comparative religion) Israel;
- Mark Lesser, (Research and Development of Internet and UNC Credit Union network security) Georgia
- Rick Rosenthal, (Dispute Management and Resolution Research and Development) Georgia
Current members of the UNC,Inc. B'nei Noach Advisory Committee to the Board:
- Pam Rogers, Oklahoma Committee Secretary (UNC Court Facilitator)
- Larry Rogers, Oklahoma Committee Member (UNC Court Facilitator)
- Jim Huskey, Missouri Committee Member (UNC Court Facilitator)
- Donny January, Oklahoma Committee Member
- Nancy January, Oklahoma Committee Member
- Lynn Allen; United States Committee Member
- Alan Cecil; United States Committee Member
- Lyla Cecil; United States Committee Member
They hope to announce soon the addition of more professional qualified Bnai Brit Israel, and Bnai Brit Noach board members who will be responsible for dealing especially with the international financial and legal considerations which they anticipate.
Jewish Law
The UNC, Inc. recognizes only orthodox Rabbis who observe Jewish Law (halachah). They recognizes all rabbinical courts, properly formed, for the purposes of determining Jewish and Noahide Law. They recognize the nascent Sanhedrin in Jerusalem as their highest halachic authority in matters of Jewish and Noahide Law. The UNC, Inc. has been recognized by the nascent Sanhedrin. The UNC, Inc. worked to obtain the ruling of 7th November, 2006, defining the relationship between the two organizations.[1]National Law
In general, the UNC, Inc. recognizes the legal systems of the nations of the world as both a civil and religious requirement. Rabbinic authorities on the Seven Laws reveal a breadth of interpretation that may allow each nation to develop and pursue its own national character, pursuing justice as best for its people. The UNC, Inc. recommends that its members follow national law as a religious duty, according to the principle "The Law of the Land is the Law" (Dina DeMalchusa Dina). Only where a national law deviates from all possible interpretation of the seven laws, does the UNC seek to lobby for change. The UNC, Inc does not recognize a distinction between religious and civil law, rather insists that all laws have a spiritual component, as it says in Proverbs 3:6 "In all thy ways [laws] acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths"
See Also
External links
- United Noachide Council, Inc. Press release
- United Noachide Council website
- Wikinoah.org: Anything and everything worth knowing about the Noachide movement
- Bnai Noach News and Information Center