The order of commandments in the brit relationship

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The commandment of Purim

A post purim address after awaking from drinking: The commandment of Purim, Israel accepted the Torah with joy.

For Israel to accept the Torah they had to remove themselves from טומאה internally, and externally not approach their wives. The significant other of a man, for peace to dwell within one's house, the man must not impose his personal beliefs upon the words of his wife. This טומאה can easily destroy a marriage. In like manner when Israel approached the revelation of Elohe Adam Noach Avraham Yitzak and Yaacov they had to cleanse themselves from pre-conceived belief systems of god. The Sinai revelation a person can accept or reject. If a person or nation accepts the Torah revelation then such a person or nation embraces responsibility for both blessing and curse life and death. First establish just ruler-ship and then afterward address prayer, sacrifice, dedications, and religious ritual. Do not approach the Torah revelation with preconceived modes of ritual dress and halachic behaviors. For belief systems, all belief systems, blind the righteous and corrupt the opinions of judges. טומאה perverts עבודת ה' לעבודה זרה! The Torah revelation centers upon the substance of faith rather than the forms of religious behavior. When a bnai brit person develops the center of faith, harmony between substance and form develops as a beautiful union of opposites. A curse upon the nation over which women rule. Does not mean that women can not lead a people חו! But rather that such a nation chases after trifles and ignores the essentials. Something like the Indians selling Manhattan Island for beads.

טומאה requires allot of research. A scholar of Torah needs wisdom to discern the substance from the form. A prophetic revelation, the father of all prophetic revelations being Sinai, a person or nation either accepts or rejects. By accepting the Torah a person commits the Soul to raise the mundane of the world by and through commandment actions.

It seems to me that the character of "The Name", that its weight rests upon the brit relationship and/or responsibilities. When i first started to learn in the Yeshiva world, the Jewish approach to praying I found exceedingly superficial. My early teachers of Torah, if they gave a class upon prayer, seemed to me, or at least I expected them, to distinguish between Divine Names and the rest of the סידור. Though I enjoyed gemarah classes even there I felt a dissatisfaction because my teachers could not convey the utterly profound. And then I met Rav Nemoraskii. Rav Aaron lived a profoundly honest life, the bark and the fruit had the same taste. He gave me space to explore the sea of Talmud upon its own merit. His focus centered upon giving young students the means to examine the Torah/Talmud oracle relationship. And what Rav Aaron left, my wife surpassed. I have come to discover that the profundity of the Torah dwells in the lives of the people who surround me. Purim just ended, I had a good time. My wife lay beside me and asked me if I felt that I walked the walk of reaching my potential. Karen told me that she felt a sense of worry and urgency concerning my life and destiny.

A man just does not wake up one day and suddenly decide that he shall labor to achieve justice in and among his country-men. The commandments help to form a persons' destiny identity. To do a commandment properly a person must from within the soul choose a strong commitment to cause certain actions to fill his/her world. This soul searched creation of a vibrant dedication to beautify the mundane with holiness, this constitutes as the essential meaning and purpose of all the commandments. Employing the gemarah of Maccot 21 to interpret תצוה an understanding developed: of dedicating smaller things to achieve a larger purpose. Something like making the garments of the high priest. The intent of שמות: תצוה, to teach by means of a particular example, thereby defining the purpose and meaning of all the commandments.

As lashes atones for כרת, in like manner the commandments shapes the form of ones' soul. The soul of man requires expression in the world to exist live and thrive. As artists paint and sculpt ect. the bnai brit peoples do commandments. Hence the intent of remembering the commandments when looking at the ציצית, that a person recalls and re-news the vigor that for the soul of a man to live the character THE NAME - the soul - requires expression in this world.

My criticism concerning the prevalence to lean upon codifications. That these great works of scholarship conceal as much as they reveal. The Torah commandments have depth. The criticism of my criticism my scholarship flows from one source to the next free association. Free associative thinking requires study on the part of the reading audience. But it seems to me that since learning Torah qualifies as a great commandment. The commandment has greatness in measure that a person puts his soul into learning.

Relationships develop depth. In like manner my wife caused my Torah to search for emotional development and skill. The substance of my Torah comes from the merit of my wife.

The Revelation at Sinai

That the Torah revelation has such great depth has caused simple folk to error into thinking that the brit with mankind qualifies as a unique and separate brit: that thereby cuts Israel from the nations.

The first two commandments of the revelation at Sinai contained the entire Torah. To understand the depths of Torah requires all the generations of Man. Some generations achieve greater clarity than others, but irregardless the Torah is ONE. Prophetic revelation requires great contemplations. For years I've thought about the teachings of Rav Aaron and gradually my understanding of his intent develops clarity, but I have yet to reach the depths of his wisdom. Every one agrees that the 613 commandments constitutes as an eternal obligation unto the bnai brit people to keep and observe. As the Yazir HaRa? tripped up Adam so too Israel transgressed with the calf. Our Teacher Moshe taught the revelation of the 613 commandments just as Adam taught the revelation of the 6 commandments. Irregardless its ONE Torah ONE revelation! King David learned the Torah to 11 commandments. The prophet Isaiah learned the Torah to 6. Habakkuk learned the Torah to 1 commandment. Yet no one speculates that they diminished the 613 commandments. In like manner the same applies to Adam and Noach. The commandments have depth and it requires the concerted efforts of all the generations of humanity to grasp the full revelation of the Torah.

When our teacher Moshe sat and listened unto the Torah of R. Akiva he could not understand his own Torah! Those who think that bnai Israel have more commandments than do bnai Noach do greatly err. The difference between the former and the latter, Israel has an unbroken chain of exploration toward understanding the Torah whereas bnai Noach as a new creation must grasp unto the ציצית of Israel and learn the basics.

The gemarah on the Mishneh of Sukkot p.45 blurrs commandments from the Torah with commandments fro the Rabbis. Examine the בהג and רמבם the dispute found in the 1st root of the book of commandments. That the minds of one generation only understands a limited number of commandments in no way diminishes from the Torah revelation. Rav Aaron repeatedly emphasized "better a little well than allot not so well." In order to build a Torah alliance between bnai Israel and bnai Noach both parties to the brit require to view themselves in front of the other with humility. The humility of Israel, that the bnai Noach people have cut an equal brit with the Torah. The humility of bnai Noach, that the bnai Israel people possess an unbroken tradition of Torah scholarship.

The Mishneh of Sukkoth

מצות ערבה כיצד? The gemarah on this Mishneh blurs commandments from the Torah with commandments from the Rabbis. Examine the בהג and רמבם, the dispute discussed in the 1st root of the latter' book of commandments. That the minds of one generation only understands a limited number of commandments in no way diminishes from the Torah revelation. Rav Aaron repeatedly emphasized "better a little well than allot not so well". In order to build a Torah alliance between Bnai Israel and Bnai Noach both parties to the Bnai-Brit? require to view themselves in front of the other with humility. The humility of Israel, that the Bnai Noach peoples have cut an equal brit with the Torah. The humility of Bnai Noach, that the Bnai Israel people possess an unbroken tradition of Torah scholarship.

The heart and soul by which a bnai brit person cuts a blood alliance - through means of the Torah - with the Elohim: making a most holy dedication to establish just ruler-ship upon the earth and to inherit this emotional commitment unto the future generations of mankind. A "Bloody Sanhedrin" receives its name, not because it tried and convicted people for murder. If a crime occurs its the obligation of the state to investigate and explore the violation of public welfare and to punish wrong doers. Rather a "Bloody Sanhedrin" means that public leaders of a nation must continually educate the masses in their brit/alliance responsibilities, mutually shared among their peoples.

That if the state tries and convicts 2 persons of having committed the most heinous crime of murder in 70 years, then the leaders sworn to uphold and maintain a Torah civilization have failed to walk the straight path before Elohim!

The interface between the sworn oath to establish just ruler-ship and the sworn oath to dedicate ones' heart and soul to achieve just ruler-ship - the emotional attribute of 'giving heart' unto a persons allied Bnai Brit peoples. When a person stands before a Safer Torah and with honor calls to remembrance the oaths of the fathers, the kavannah of the prayer dedication, to plant the 13 essential attributes within the hearts of his house and people. Consequently the form of organized prayers, as formulated by prophets and sages, has 13 middle blessings


I have a question here for clarification of what i'm to understand with what is said.

You Said: That if the state tries and convicts 2 persons of having committed the most heinous crime of murder in 70 years, then the leaders sworn to uphold and maintain a Torah civilization have failed to walk the straight path before Elohim!

Two thoughts here. 1) I would have thought that if the courts did convict the criminals then they would have done a good job.

2) However on the other hand, are you saying that because these crimes were committed then this proves that the Bnai Brit leaders have failed to educate its citizens properly?

Thanks, Billy Jack


The primary responsibility of any Torah court:

1) Forming the destiny identity of the bnai brit peoples of the nation.

2) Intra-bnai brit diplomacy. This entails sending ambassadors of the court to disputing parties and compiling their opinions on a vast amount of unrelated subjects besides the dispute which the parties currently argue. The purpose: The judges can employ the logic of Oral Torah to place the arguments of the dispute into context of unrelated opinions where the emotions are not aroused and thereby logically ascertain the intent of the words spoken against the other party in the dispute, the judges primary interest being to deter- mine the emotional middot of the adversaries in the dispute and the intent behind the disputants spoken "weapon" words. Its not the gun that kills but rather the person who pulls the trigger so too the spoken words employed at a emotional crisis between disputing interests and/or parties.

3) Once the Judges of a court can "understand" the intent behind the warring words and the underlying emotional middot in conflict; the Judges once more employ their ambassadors and send their "understanding" of intent of the disputing interests to the OTHER arguing party in the dispute. The purpose of the court: opening the ears of the disputing parties to the intent of the opposing other so that the people of the alliance may talk to one another rather than at one another. Upon this foundation stands any Torah court government.

Returning to your questions: Obviously the Courts have responsibility to try and convict criminals. Criminal behavior statistically occurs in any population. The courts uphold the structure and order of a society and public welfare of individuals of the community. The courts because they rule upon emotion and intent of disputing parties in and among the allied bnai brit peoples they, the courts, thereby educate the nation in attribute development, giving heart for example. Consequently criminal behavior in and among the allied bnai brit peoples means that the courts, the judges of the nation, have failed in their essential purpose in educating the nation for the purpose of shaping the destiny identity of the alliance people

with respect Moshe