In the Qur'an Noah is portrayed as prophet teaching against idolatry even before the flood.
The Qur'anic word "mesani" is the same word as the Hebrew word "mishna" (repetition), and probably derived from the hebrew.
== Qur'an 17:22-36 ==
It is interesting if these verse correspond to the "Ten Commandments", only seven of them appear:
Possible A possible connection between the Qur'an 17:22-36 and the "Ten Commandments"might be:
# Qur'an 17:22, 23 You shall have no other Gods before me (1st commandment)
# Qur'an 17:23 Honour your father and your mother (5th commandment)
# Qur'an 17:35 Gezel - Do not steal or kidnap (3rd Noahide law)
# Qur'an 17:36 Birkat Hashem - blasphemy (and lying?). (5th Noahide law)
The Qur'anic word "mesani" is the same word as the Hebrew word "mishna" (repetition), and probably derived from the hebrew.
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