In the Qur'an Noah is portrayed as prophet teaching against idolatry even before the flood.
== Qur'an 17:22-36 and the "Ten Commandments" ==
It is interesting that only seven of the "Ten Commandments" appear in the Qur'an 17:22-36:
Possible connection between the Qur'an 17:22-36 and the "Ten Commandments":# Qur'an 17:22, 23 has the first Commandment (You shall have no other Gods before me(1st commandment). # Qur'an 17:23 has the fifth Commandment (Honour your father and your mother(5th commandment). # Qur'an 17:33 has the sixth Commandment (You shall not kill(6th commandment). # Qur'an 17:32 has the seventh Commandment (You shall not commit adultery(7th commandment). # Qur'an 17:35 has the eight Commandment (You shall not steal(8th commandment). # Qur'an 17:36 has the ninth Commandment (You shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor(9th commandment). # Qur'an 17:34 has the tenth Commandment (You shall not covet your neighbor’s house, you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.... manservant.... maidservant.... his ox.... his ass...anything that is your neighbor’s(10th commandment).
The second, third and fourth commandments (You shall not make unto thee any graven image or likeness of any thing. You shall not take the name of the L-rd your G-d in vain. Remember the Sabbath day) were left out perhaps as not being applicable to Islam, being particular to Judaism. The key may be in Qur'an 15:87 “..We have given you seven (sections) of mesaniy and this great Qur'an..” Perhaps these seven were derived by Qur'an from Noahide law instead.
== Qur'an 17:22-36 and Noahide law == Possible connection between the Qur'an 17:22-36 and Noahide law:# Qur'an 17:22, 23 Avodah zarah - Do not worship false gods. (1st Noahide law)# Qur'an 17:23 Ever min ha-chai - Do not eat of any living animal (6th Noahide law)???# Qur'an 17:33 Shefichat damim - Do not murder. (2nd Noahide law)# Qur'an 17:32 Gilui arayot - Do not be sexually immoral (4th Noahide law)# Qur'an 17:35 Gezel - Do not steal or kidnap (3rd Noahide law)# Qur'an 17:36 Birkat Hashem - blasphemy (and lying?). (5th Noahide law)# Qur'an 17:34 Dinim - Set up a system of honest, effective courts, police and laws. (7th Noahide law) The word Qur'anic word "mesani" is the same word as the Hebrew word "mishna" (repetition), and probably derived from thatthe hebrew.
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