While many Noahites themselves (being from Christian backgrounds) observed the Divine Office of the Liturgy of Hours (which became the 5 prayer times) the proto-Karaites only practiced Salat 3 times a day. The Qurayza used to perform Havdalah for the Hagarim but this was eventually to be retained only lost although a form was revived by the Proto-Karaite certain Alids.
Honorius I becomes Pope on the 27th of October.
Proto-Karaite Mithrean Ali marries Fatima.
=627 Massacre of Qurayza (SIN)=
=633 Khalid conquers Al-Hira (SIN)=
The Bakr family appeals of Al-Hira appeal to Khalid's [[Quraysh]] for help against the Alids. Khalid's Quraysh support the Bakr Family in suppressing the Alids in conquer Al-Hira's Taji of [[Mehmet]]. But his success is short lived and the  The Mithrean Alids soon begin minting Persian coins.
=634 Tayyaye d'MHMT (Thomas the Presbyter)=
The Maronite (Nasrani) [[Taji]] of the Pahlavi [[Mehmet the Ishmaelite]] stationed 12 miles east of Gaza fall under the control of Khalid who orders them to fight the Romans at this time as they try to re-take the lands for the Saracens which the Saracens had only just recently lost to Heraclius.
=635 Nasrani-Monothelitism & Alliance (SIN/Vatican/Military History)=
In 635 Yazdegrd made an alliance with Heraclius in Tachkastan against the Quraysh in Tachkastan.
The Standard Islamic Narrative (SIN) states that Pope Honorius I accepted the Arab religion. In fact he only declared supported Nasrani-Monothelitism in a letter dated to this year. The Echo or historical kernal behind the SIN reveals more to us about the nature of Proto-Islam than it does concerning Honorius's heresy. The new religion must be Nasrani-Monothelitism which regardless of Church apologetics must therefore only logically mean the "Arian-like" doctrine that the one and only will that Ieso had was a regular human will. It is likely that Pope Honorius was aware of the Saracen raids of 629,630 and 634 and aware that Byzantium was unable to engage in any more wars and that Nasrani-Monothelitism was probably the only practical solution for the time. But Heraclius was Eutychian at heart and was reluctant to abandon his position until it was already too late.
Maximus is alleged to have tried to explain that when Honorius taught "one human will in Ieso " it was only to deny the existence of any lower will of the flesh but this was taken as meaning that Ieso only had a common human willalone. This kernel grew into Islam as we now know it.
=636 Heraclius defeated (Fredgar)=
Yazdegard betrayed Heraclius by surrendering to Quraysh. Under the Quraysh, a marriage is arranged between Prince Shahriyar's daughter Shahrbonu and Proto-Karaite the Mithrean Ali's son Husseyn putting him in line for the Persian Throne.
Quraysh proceeded to take the Holy land until Umar came to power.
The Quraysh leader Umar takes advice from Alazeena Haadu and builds a Masjin on the Temple Mount.
Later the first Historical Emir seems impressed and curious concerning Miaphysitism.
=638 Heraclius capitulates (Ecthesis/SIN)=
=656 Proto-Karaite Ali (SIN)=Proto-Karaite Ali becomes Caliph except over Syria where Muawiya has seceded.
Uthman appointed Ali his successor when he died but the Bakr family tried to prevent Ali's Proto-Karaite Ulu l-Amr from becoming Persia's rulers. Although Ulu l-Amr was not overthrown, western Quraysh under Muawiya seceded Syria from the Empire.
Quraysh and Iraq's Bakr family allies go to war against the Proto-Karaite Alids in the Battle of the Camel. Ali defeats Bakr family conquering Iraq but the Quraysh retain an independent kingdom in Syria.
=660 Muawiya (SIN)=
Death of Proto-Karaite Ali
Ali was followed by Husseyn which is when the Quraysh saw their opportunity and had Husseyn killed to established themselves on the throne instead. That lead to a civil war. Muawiya won but agreed that Husseyn would be his successor as king of the Arabs.
Proto-Karaite Hassan's Khosrow-style "in the name of the king" coins in Pahlavi and Arabic.
(source currently lost)
=670 (SIN)=
Proto-Karaite Hassan dies and Persia falls to Muawiya.
Muawiya dies. Muawiya's son like the rest of the Quraysh did not honour the acknowledgment of Husseyn as Caliph and have Husseyn killed leaving the Alid Mithreans almost extinct.
Muawiya's capitulation to Byzantium and the murder of Hussein lead to the rebellion of most of the Empire under the Proto-Karaite Bakr family led by ibn Al-Zubayr as Persian Emperor.
While the Bakr family Caliph ibn Al-Zubayir opposes Quraysh, John Maron is sent to clean up the Maronite heresy of Nasrani-Monothelitism among the Umayyads.
=692 Iconoclasm (Numismatics)=
Western Quraysh (Umayyad) Abdul Malik crushes the Proto-Karaite Bakr family killing Ibn Al-Zubayir and his mother Asma.
The Quinisext Council of Trullo causes Abdul Malik to adopt Iconoclasm so as not to be accused of being one who tramples the cross as all Christians did before this year.
=713 4th Imam (SIN)=
Death of the Rightful Persian Emperor Proto-Karaite 4th Imam Ali son of Hussein and Shahrbonu.
=735 Mamed (John of Damascus)=

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