Nehemiah Ben Hushiel's Qurayza, like all Proto-Karaites were Hebrews, but not regular Jews.[https://www.economist.com/middle-east-and-africa/2013/05/18/whos-a-jew] They were related to the Samaritans and Falashahs etc., and like the Samaritans and Falashahs etc., considered themselves spiritual inheritors of the earthly Kingdom of Israel. Like their relatives, they often (but not always) harboured a degree of disrespect towards regular Jews whom they regard as elitist snobs. Christians did not refer to Arabia as ferax heresium (Mother of Heresies) for nothing and Proto-Karaites came in all sorts: [[Ananites]]; [[Ukbarites]]; [[Isawites]]; [[Essenes]]; [[Ebionites]]; [[Nazarenes]]; [[Nasoreans]]; [[Ekhasites]]; [[Sadducees]]; the list is endless. Each sect had its own peculiar set of beliefs. Some, like the Ukbarites, were like Messianic Jews or Nasara. Abu Hanifa can certainly be regarded as a kind of proto-Karaite whose distinguishing beliefs included acceptance of the New Testament and the Islamic Ieso as G-d's Aeon (Rasul) and G-d's Word (Kalim) and Spirit from G-d (Ruh) born of a virgin (Marym). Just like other proto-Karaites, his sect also had a complex view of certain other Jewish sects some of which they regarded as fellow Guides and some of which they referred to as Judas (Yahud) while trying to gain adherents from the Bani Israel (Zera Israel people). Abu Hanifa seems to have preserved this tradition while starving to death in prison where he helped Anan ben David establish the Ananite sect obviously not regarding him as a Judas. Specifically, the term Judas seems to have originally referred only to ex-Christians who had abandoned Ieso for forms of Judaism which regard every Ezrakh as a child of God.
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