This article theorizes that '''DIHYAH's FATHER KHALIFAH AL-KALBI''' was '''[ NEHEMIAH BEN HUSHIEL]''' the chief [[mamed]] of a Proto-Karaite sect that recruited a type of Noahite (Tsabi) called Hagarim from among the mainly [[Manichaeans]] and other Gnostics (Hanifs)such as the Harranians. One of those Noahites was to be [[Mehmet the Ishmaelite]].  It should be noted, that Judaism does not mind whether there is any truth or not to what non-Jews believe as long as their beliefs are compatible with Judaism. Noahite faiths are always artificial constructions. The reason is because it is assumed all religions come from Noah anyway so they are all nothing but corruptons or preservations of the Truth. Hence all one needs to do to find the Truth again is redeem the corrupted faith by correction/redaction/editing of those elements which are incompatible. In ths sense, if that is what an Arabian man did to Arabian Gnosticism then he would have been considered as having done God's work from a Jewish point of view. However, we can not know if this happened because all we have is Uthman's work and the opinions of Islamic historians.
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