Sebeos indicates that the Caliphate is a satellite of the Antichrist and depicts Muawiya as rejecting Christ, but according to other sources, Muawiya's daughter was baptised. He also prayed at the tomb of Mary in Gethsemane and at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre after being entering alliance with Byzantines and being crowned king of Jerusalem It seems Muawiya, despite his earlier beliefs was a convert to something recognisable as Christianity.
Towards the end of this decade the proto-Karaites begin minting Proto-Karaite Ali's or Hassan's Khosrow-style coins in Pahlavi and Arabic. =670 (SIN)=Proto-Karaite Hassan dies and Persia falls to Muawiya.
=680 Ibn Al-Zubayir (Numismatics)=
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59 bytes added, 22:52, 10 November 2020
660s Rise of Muawiya (Numismatics)