=617 Khosrou Betrays Israelites (Eliezer ben Qalir)=
The first Hijra is when Khosrow II betrayed the Israelites. Nehemiah's [[Ma'amad]] or "Council of the Righteous" was evicted from the Holy Land by the Zoroastrian Quraysh and garrisoned themselves in Edessa having been evicted by the Quraysh who prevent them from access to [[Al-Masjid Al-Haram]] and prevent the [[Noahite GnosticsNoahites]] from access to [[Al-Masjid Al-Haram]]. At the same time, their Zera Israel Ishmaelite convert to Judeo-Baptist Gnosticism called Mohmot (Dead Moon) or Iyas ibn Qabisha (or perhaps Elijah ibn Abu Kabsha) seeks refuge with the Qurayza having been ousted from Al-Hira by Azadbeh.
=619 Irruption of the Saracens (New Advent)=
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617 Khosrou Betrays Israelites (Eliezer ben Qalir)