Petter Chamor

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Simon Ceiphas (d.65CE), often confused with Simon Kalpus or Simon Cippah, was a Jew just like John & Paul "who purposely infected their culture in order to sway the Notzri faith away from Judaism. They themselves were not heretics and did so for the benefit of the Jewish people".[1]

Rabbi Shimon Halevi Ish Horowitz in his comments on the Machzor Vitry (ויטרי לרבינו שמחה, יוצא לאור ע"י ר' שמעון הלוי איש הורוויץ, סי' שכ"ה, הערה ה, עמ'362, הוצאת "א" מכון להוצאת ספרים, ירושלים, תשכ"ז.) wrote that Rabbeinu Tam said Simon Ceiphas never believed in Notzrut but did everything he did (against Ben Stada) for Heaven's sake.

R. Jacob Tam expressed his belief that Simon Caiaphas, the first Patriarch of Antioch, "was a devout and learned Jew, who dedicated his life to guiding Heretics along the proper path. (Machzor Vitry, edited by S.Hurwitz, 1923[2], p.285 note 5 and p. 362 note 5. CF Urbach, Tosafot, 191–3. (Israel Moses Ta-Shma).[2])

Simon's mission to the Hillonim was later headed by Gamaliel's Benjaminite student Saul of Tarsus the Pharisee of the Manumitted Idumean Synagogue and whose efforts in Simon's direction were organized into the New Testament by Peter's Shaliakh Shimeon HaKalpus with whom Peter is often confused. The Marcionites were the failed result of Paul's mission among the Mandaeans.

The Teliya also recalls Simon in Antioch and his elevated chair as Av Beit Din which was established there under Antiich's Governor Theophilius on February 22nd 35/36CE where disciples were first called Christians, and remained there until the year 42.
  1. Rashi Avoda Zara 10a but brought in Dikdukei Sofrim Avoda Zara p. 12 footnote 9
  2. "page 34 of the Wipf and Stock Publisher's edition of New York Orthodox Rabbi Harvey Falk's book "Jesus the Pharisee: A new look at the Jewishness of Jesus" (copyright 1985 Paulist Press)