"And some say about that [Prayer], Nabal is Simon Peter Hamor -which is a mistake of Rome- who established that prayer [Neshmat] and other prayers when he was on the rock. But Chas Veshalom that such will not be (said) in Israel. And whoever says this, when the Temple is built, he will bring a fat offering."
It seems that "[[Petter Chamor]]" is actually an office which has been held by several people called Simon since [['''Simon Kefa]]'''. It is therefore sometimes difficult to identify when the term Petter Chamor refers to '''Simon Cippah Peter''' or to [[Simon PeterCippah]] and [[Simon Kalpus]] and [[Shimon Ben Kipa]].
Simon's mission to the [[Hellenes|Hillonim]] was later headed by Gamaliel's Benjaminite student Saul of Tarsus the Pharisee of the Manumitted Edomean-Ishmaelite Synagogue and whose efforts in Simon's direction were organized into the New Testament by Peter's Shaliakh [[Shimeon HaKalpus]] with whom Peter is often confused. The Marcionites were the failed result of Paul's mission among the Mandaeans.
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Petter Chamor

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