'''Simon Ceiphas''', often confused with [[Simon Kalpus]] or [[Simon Cippah]], fought against [[Ben Stada|Yemach Shmo]] and is sometimes referred to in Jewish tradition as ''' an Issacharite Jew''' or '''an Hassidic Jew''' or '''Ben Zachar'''. He was a Jew just like John & Paul "who purposely infected their culture in order to sway the Christian faith away from Judaism. They themselves were not heretics and did so for the benefit of the Jewish people".<ref>Rashi Avoda Zara 10a but brought in Dikdukei Sofrim Avoda Zara p. 12 footnote 9</ref>
The appearance of his name as R. Yehuda the Pious in some versions <ref>page 160 of Quest books 2005 "A Rebirth for Christianity" By Alvin Boyd Kuhn ISBN:0835608387</ref> makes it likely that Gnostic enemies of the Tosafists were responsible for circulating the Toledoth Y.S.W..
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Petter Chamor

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