Noahite Gnostics were a sect followed the Essene Jews from whom the Manicheans had seceded from them under the influence of EssenesMarcionism and Mandaeism.
The Manicheans had seceded Noahite Gnostics did not consider themselves Arabs (9:97) but spoke Quraysh, an Arabic dialect influenced by Imperial Aramaic which they called Intelligible Arabic (16:103) to distinguish it from them under the influence of Marcionism and Mandaeismcommon language spoken by Muslim Arabs (49:14).
They did not consider themselves Arabs (9:97) but spoke Quraysh, an Arabic dialect influenced by Imperial Aramaic which they called Intelligible Arabic (16:103) were Zera-Israel Gnostics who rejected any Nasrani and Hindu claims to distinguish it from the common language spoken by Muslim Arabs (49:14)Abraham.
They were Zera-Israel Gnostics who rejected the Nasrani and Hindu claims to Abraham.  They called Minim Judases but recognized their common ground (5:82) with Ebionite-like Jewish Messianists (Notsari) but called themselves the Believers (2:62) and also welcomed Halakhic Jews as Those who Guide (Alazeena Haadu) and Noahites as Judeo-Baptists (Sabi). They called Apostates Judases.
Unlike Gentile Gnostics but in common with the Noahite Judeo-Baptists, they equated the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob with the Gnostic God the Father on High rather than with the Demiurge who they and the Judeo-Baptists equated with Satan.
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Noahite Christian Gnostic

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