#REDIRECT This is a [[Noahideשמי]] approach page to be developed by and in agreement with the intellectual property terms of [[User:Kaz]]. NB all of the material on this page is copyright from the history dates and no part may not be reproduced or edited without the express permission of the author. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Noachite/112316295472046? Formerly Noachite is used to define the people and the ways which are naturally good according to the oral tradition of Jewish Monotheism. Literally and logically speaking, The Children of Noah, or Noachites, include every genetic descendant of Y-DNA Haplogroup CT (Haplogroups A and B being, logically, Cainites and Enochians respectively) although, frequently, some Orthodox Jews consider themselves to be Adamites rather than simply Noachites. The idea that Natural Law, which applies everywhere, consists of six principles incomplete without a seventh being Natural Justice (or perhaps, rather, that Natural Justice completes the universal Natural Law) is called Noachism. It is of course evident that not every "Noachite" has a regard for "Noachism" and there are some philosophical arguments that such a person can not therefore be considered as a Noachite, while others object that anyone could ever be regarded as less than a Noachite, arguing instead that such people are simply non-observant Noachites, observant Noachites being distinguished as Righteous Gentiles as opposed to non-observant Noachites. Etymology The term Noachite comes from the French, and first known, attempt to render in a European language the Hebrew Talmudic term "בנ נוח" literally meaning Child of Noah. History The earliest recorded proof of an oral tradition in Jewish Monotheism concerning what is now called Noachism appears in the Book of Acts. Taking up The Yoke of Olam Haba was to be preached among the Gentiles, and when results began to show,Kohan Gadol of the Chaverim, Jacmes the Zaddik ben Alphaeus, decided Gentiles Who Bare God's Name shouldBe instructed concerning abstenance from IdolatryBe instructed concerning abstenance from sexual immoralityBe instructed concerning abstenance from unkashered meatAnd be instructed concerning abstenance from bloodshedBecause Roman Law only prohibited theft but ignored all of the above.Although it is not apparent from this text whether the term Children of Noah was in use at all, it is absolutely clear that the issue of Jewish Monotheism's stance with regard to the righteous from among the nations (Gentiles Who Bare God's Name) was certainly being illustrated. Peter's sense of duty in taking Jewish Monotheism to the nations, and Jacmes' sense of duty to send instructions to those who responded by becoming Gentiles Who Bare God's Name may be taken together as the mission to the Gentiles which comes accross as the major focus of the Book of Acts. The mission is not to start a revolution to replace the Roman justice system which is seen as legitimate in authority but imperfect and rather a campaign for the government to improve the justice system to cover these areas of Noachism it ignores is encouraged. It seems it would not be a good idea to use any later definitions for Noachism than the attitude presented in the Book of Acts while investigating Religion in Late Antiquity. Retrieved from "http://www.theosebeia.org/index.php/Noachite" [[Category:שמי]]
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