Once one makes this step, the 'size' of one's portion in the world to come is determined by prayer, repentance, good deeds and good character. This may sound very similar to the teaching of other religions, particularly within the Abrahamic tradition, and it should be so. Judaism teaches that the Noahide covenant is the foundation of any proper society and religion.
According to the [[Jerusalem Court for Bnei Noah]], to achieve formal status, a non-Jew today has to make a declaration before a ''[[Rabbinical Court|Beis Din]]'' of Jews. According to many authorities<ref>Maimonides holds that the declaration is only required for a Ger Toshav. He holds that Ger Toshav only applies to those who live in Israel under a sovereign Jewish (Torah) State, others disagree. According to many authorities, there is value to the declaration of a person before a rabbinical court even outside of Israel.</ref>, there is value to the declaration of a person before a rabbinical court — ''beis din'' — that he or she accept and takes upon himself or herself the mitzvos of Bnei Noah. Therefore it is incumbent upon the ''beis din'' to accept such declarations from almost anyone who wants to make them.
==The Noahide Declaration==
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How to become a Noahite

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How to become a Noahide