Hanzalah b. Tha'labah b. Sayyar al-'Ijli was appointed by [[Hani ibn Qabisa]] as Rosh Ma'amad of the Monoenergist Edomean-Ishmaelites who united the Lakhmids and an other Arabs in [[Tachkastan]]. He was wed to a Nasri called Khadijah by a Nasri called Waraqa ibn Naufal. He was a poet whose advice was regarded as auspicious poet through whom even though it was said that he had left the way of the Royalists (Nasrideen) and had become a Tsabi (Messianic). Through him victory was attained at the battle of Dhi Qar when he succeeded his relative, Imam Hani ibn Qabisa before the time of Muthana ibn Harith. He is said submitted to have become a SabiHanzalah. He was confused with many other people in the time of Abbasids when the origin story of the Arabs' Empire was re-written.
It seems that his messengers met with Heraclius not long after ==Islamic Tradition== In the Standard Islamic Narrative, Hanzalah's Battle of Dhi Qar when they established an alliance 's victory was claimed by the Nabi of Medina as the first victory enjoyed by the Arabic Medina against Persia being around 622/623/624 near the Battle of Badr.  In the Maghāzī Medina's Nabi is called '''ibn Abi Kabsha''' as also in a Bukhari Hadith about Abu Sufyan's encounter with Heraclius refers to the cause of '''ibn Abi Kabsha''' meaning Qabisa's Father's Son. The indication is that the Prophet was related to overthrow Hani ibn Qabisa.  Ibn Ishaq's version also confirms that the SassanidsNabi was a NabaotiHanzalah the younger brother of Qabisa ibn: Hani' ibn Mas'ud ibn 'Amir al-Khasib ibn 'Amr al-Muzdalif ibn AbI Rabi'ah ibn Dhuhl ibn Šaybān ibn **Tha'labah ibn** **Sayyar ibn** **Ijl ibn** Lujaym ibn Sa'b ibn Ali ibn Bakr ibn Wa'il ibn Qasit ibn Hanab ibn Afsa ibn Da'mi ibn Jadila ibn Anazah Asad ibn Rabi'a ibn Nizar ibn Ma'ad ibn Adnan ibn Thu'al ibn 'Amr ibn al-Ghawth ibn Tayyi (Julhumah ibn Udad) ibn Udad ibn Madhhij ibn Udad ibn Zaid ibn Hamaisa'a ibn Amr ibn Arib ibn Jashjub ibn Zaid ibn Kahlan brother of Himyar ibn Saba ibn Yashjub ibn Yarub ibn Qahtan
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