Hanzalah b. Tha'labah b. Sayyar al-'Ijli was Rosh Ma'amad of the Monoenergist Noahites who united the Lakhmids and other Arabs. He was a poet whose advice was regarded as auspicious even though it was said that he had left the way of the Hassidim Royalists (Nasrideed) and had become a Tsabi (Messianic). Through him victory was attained at the battle of Dhi Qar when he succeeded Hani ibn Qabisa before being overthrown by Hormizd of Nisibis. He was confused with many other people in the time of Abbasids when the origin story of the Arabs' Empire was re-written.
It seems that his messengers met with Heraclius not long after the Battle of Dhi Qar when they established an alliance to overthrow the Sassanids.
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