The strict view, typified by [[Maimonides]], is that Christian theology is considered ''avodah zarah'' (loosely translated as "idolatry") for all people, both Jew and non-Jew, as it subscribes to the Trinity. Therefore most Christians could not be considered Noahides. However, Unitarian Christians and other followers of Jesus who do not believe that Jesus is a deity would still be considered Noahides.
Maimonides was clearly of the opinion that Christianity was idolatry. He is believed to have ruled in three places that Christianity is idolatry and forbidden to non-Jews::''[[Ger Toshav]]'', one who accepts upon himself the seven laws as we have explained -- his wine is forbidden to drink, but permitted to benefit from. He can be appointed over wine, but wine is not deposited by him. Such it is with all non-Jews that are not idolators, such as the Muslims -- their wine is forbidden to drink, but permitted to benefit from; This is also how we were instructed by the Gaonim. However the Christians -- since they are idolators, one is even prohibited from benefiting from their wine.<ref>Mishneh Torah, Ma'achalos Asuros 11:7</ref>And also
:Know that this Christian nation, who advocates the messianic claim in all their various sects, all of them are idolaters. On all their various festivals it is forbidden for us to deal with them. And all Torah restrictions pertaining to idolaters pertain to them. . . . We deal with them as we would deal with any idolaters on their festival.<ref>Commentary on Mishnah, Avodah Zarah 1.3</ref>
And also
:Christians are idolaters and Sunday is their holy day.<ref>Mishneh Torah, Avodah Kochavim 9:4</ref>
However this opinion is not followed today in Jewish law, as seen by the fact that Jews are not required to avoid Christians the day before and after their holy day, as would be required of full idolaters.
Maimonides However this opinion is believed to have ruled not followed today in three places Jewish law, as seen by the fact that Christianity is idolatry and forbidden also Jews are not required to non-Jews: avoid Christians the two quotes aboveday before and after their holy day, as well as Ma'achalos Asuros 11:7, and implies in Melachim 11:4would be required of full idolaters. Most of these texts are missing from the the standard Vilna edition of these works, and are assumed to have been deleted by the censors. For whatever reason, the code of Jewish Law does has not make made use of these supporting texts. He implied it in the Laws of Kings::Even Jesus the Nazarene, who imagined himself as messiah, and was executed by the court -- was already prophesied about by Daniel "Those who are violent among your own people will rise up in confirmation of the vision, but they will falter." (Daniel 11:14). There was a great stumbling in this. All the prophets spoke of messiah as redeemer and saviour of the Jewish people, who will gather the exiles, and strengthen their laws. But this one has caused the destruction of Israel by the sword, the dispersal of the remnant, the exchange of the Torah for another, the misleading of most of the world to worship a g-d other than the L-rd.<ref>Mishneh Torah, Laws of Kings and their Wars 11:4</ref>
In Moreh Nevuchim, however, Maimonides writes that Christianity has a mistaken understanding of G-d, similar to those who assign attributes to Him.<ref>Moreh Nevuchim (1:50)</ref> This might imply that Christianity is a min (deviant sect), which is perhaps a step up from idolatry.

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Christianity and Noahide Law

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