Chabad Sichos Vedibarta Bam


The Rebbe said:[1]

Shabbat is the Divinely mandated day of rest for the Jewish people while the secular world designates Sunday as their day of rest. In fact, according to halachah it is forbidden for a gentile to observe Shabbat and the Gemara (Sanhedrin 58b) says that an idolater who ceased working for the entire day of Shabbat is liable to death, for it is stated (Bereishit 8:22): "Day and night they shall not cease," and if a Noahide transgresses any prohibition that Scripture warns him against, he is liable to death (see also Rambam, Melachim 10:9).

Click here to read more of that sichah.


  1. Based on Likutei Sichot, Vedibarta Bam — And You Shall Speak of Them, Chanukah