Chabad Sichos Shavuos


The Rebbe said:[1]

Regarding the Voice with which G-d gave the Torah, it is described in the verse as "a great voice that did not cease."
The Midrash offers three explanations of this verse:
a. The voice was not limited to the Holy Tongue. Rather, it divided into seven voices, and then into the languages of all seventy nations.
b. The voice did not cease at that time, rather it is continuous. For streaming forth from the voice that gave the Torah are those matters that were subsequently revealed through all the prophets and sages.
c. The voice did not have an echo.
What is the Midrash teaching us with these three seemingly disparate comments?
Non-Jewish nations are commanded to observe the Seven Noahide laws, which in turn consist of many sub-commandments. In fact, when they are able, Jews are to assist them in observing these laws.
In order that we realize that the nations' laws are also connected with the Giving of the Torah, the Midrash informs us that the voice was divided into the seventy languages of the nations; their commandments as well came because G-d gave them to Moshe on Sinai.
Our Sages also inform us that Jews were exiled among the nations to elevate the sparks of holiness found there. This is accomplished by utilizing the language of those nations for spiritual purposes.

Click here to read more of that sichah.


  1. Based on Likkutei Sichos, Vol. IV, pp. 1092-1096.