Category:Gnostic Religion

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Revision as of 14:06, 12 July 2007 by פטר חמור (talk | contribs)

Mandaeism or Mandaiuta comes from the root word Manda meaning Gnosis and literally means Gnosticism. Following the acceptance of Iuhana Ha-Matbil's message and Simon Peter's in the name of Anush Uthra, a group of the Gnostics (Hebrew: Notzrim, Arabic: Nosaari) whose journey to Noahidism (Seboghatullah) was not yet complete, were unable to accept the writings of Saul of Tarsus and left for the Euphrates around 60 CE. Despite diplomatic efforts on the behalf of the Jerusalem Synagogue to repair the damage done and put a ban on Paul, the rift could not be repaired and the sect of Mandaean isolationists came into existence. Even so, those Gnostics who continued the journey towards Noahidism as Petrine Noahides maintained a sunshine-policy towards the Mandaeans in the hopes that they might one day complete the journey they had begun with Iuhana Ha-Matbil, Anush Uthra and Simon Peter.

There is much scholarly debate as to when exactly Gnosticism began though its existence a century before the Christian Era is agreed most seeing its origins with Mithraism in the ancient Palestinian sect of Nassaraeans mentioned by Epiphanius. Echoes of this pre-Christian ethos can be discerned within the older strata of modern Mandaean writings.

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