#Part 7 is generally about the trials and is based on Sanhedrin 43a:23-26 and Sanhedrin 43a:20-22
#Part 8 is generally an explanation of Sanhedrin.67a.14 and Gittin.57a.3-4 as the way to bury witches.
#The Conversion Tower of Simon Kefa goes here.
#Part 9 is generally a back story for Avodah Zarah 16b:17 and Avodah Zarah 17a:1-2 and Jerusalem Talmud Avodah Zarah 2:2.11 and Jerusalem Talmud Shabbat 14.4.13
#Part 10 is generally the Evangelion backstory for Shabbat 116a.11 to 116b.2
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