[[File:Teliya.jpg|right|The Teliya]]
The '''Teliya Ye.Sh.U.''' (תליית ישו: Hanging Esav) or Tole in Yiddish (also known as the [[Ma‘aseh Ye.Sh.U.]], [[Ma‘aseh Talui]], [[Ma‘aseh Toleh]] and [[Asham Talui]]) is the Jewish aggadah (tale) on the origins of Christianity and Islam based on Yohanan Ben Zakkai's story of Magdalena's son, [[666]] (also known as [[Dositheus]] and [[Yizush]] and [[Ben Stada]]), from which the Gentiles' so-called "Toledot Yeshu" and other such tales originated.
It is referred to by Rashi as a tradition describing the origins of the Evangelion with legitimate Jews who affected their culture for the good of all Jews.
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תליית ישו

21 bytes added, 15:56, 21 April 2023
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