שאני שמואל הקטן דאתחיל בה דאמר רב יהודה אמר רב ואיתימא רבי יהושע בן לוי לא שנו אלא שלא התחיל בה אבל התחיל בה גומרה:
In some stories the Sassanian Notzri leader of the Judaizers is depicted as a Nestor of Babylon opposing Paul in others he is depicted as an Elias of Rome opposing Kefa. In either case he focuses on the fact that the NT Jesus did not abolish the law and in either case he is stoned to death. There emerged mutual abhorrence between his schism and the other Notzrim as a violent man who promoted Circumcision, permitted Sabbath desecration, focused only on the humanity of Jesus, dealt with poligamy and permitted ablutions with stagnant water. He offered no sign to the women who petitioned him besides Havdalah which they discarded.
=יב Bei Abedan=
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31 bytes added, 06:39, 19 March 2023
יא Judaizers