Nimrod's own paternity (being only a son-in law to Cush) may be identified with Horus of Mitzraim due to the genetic relationship of so-called "Semitic" languages to other Afroasiatic languages like ancient Egyptian needs must likewise identify his paternal descent from Mitzraim and he has been identified with the white Titan Cronus-Saturn in Greco-Roman myth father of the black Poseidon-Neptune progenitor of a so-called "Semitic" [ E1b1b1c] people known as the Phoenicians (as well as of the giants Ogyges, Alebion, and Atlas).
'''Horus the Younger ''' (Nimrod II/Patrus/Saturn/Cronus/Kumarbi/Amraphel) was the son of '''Horus the Elder''' son of [[Osiris|Itzra (Osiris)]] and Isis (daughter of Canaan and Naamah) and leader of his [ E1b1b1] Gibbor (Titan) brethren:
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