'''חסידי צדיקי אומות העולם''' Pious ones of are the nations, i.e. Godfearers. Compare with [[Tzadikei Chasidei Umos HaOlam]] who have taken an oath in front of a recognised beth deen and [[Chochmei Umos HaOlam]]been granted official residence status/honorary citizenship in the Land of Israel because of their outstanding righteousness among the nations of the world. Only a Tzadik umot ha Olam is an official Ger Toshav. The Official Ger Toshav can only exist when the Jubilee law is in place.
''Chasidei Umos HaOlam'' is the hebrew term used by Maimonides in the Laws of Kings 8:11. It is generally translated as "Righteous Gentile" or more recently "Observant Noahide". It indicates a non-Jew who has taken upon himself the observance of [[Noahide Law]], and does this because it revealed through [[Moshe Rabbenu]] as explained by Jewish tradition. According to Maimonides, Chasidei Umos HaOlam are assured a portion in the world to come. This is something that is not assured for the ''[[Chochmei Umos HaOlam]]'' who observe [[Noahide Law]], but do it for their own rational reasons. The Aramaic scriptures refer to them as מסלםמו֞מן.
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