NoachideChassid is a cyberYeshivah which clarifies Halacha(law) and Hashkafa(view). NoachideChassid fills the gaps in the information being published for Noachides. Only a Gadol/Torah sage can sift through the many opinions of Noachide law to clarify the real law. We follow the work of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi M.M. Schneerson, found in "Kol Baei Olam," where he discusses Noachide Law and Duties. Rulings of the Rebbe will be followed. All aspects of Noachism may be discussed: what is required; allowed or forbidden; the faith; its philosophy; the Hebrew Bible; anticipating the Messiah; outreach efforts and Noachism in the modern world. Questions are welcome. This group is based on a traditional Torah outlook. We are fortunate to have Rabbi Yossi Markel and John Stone moderating. R'Markel will address your questions.
Questions will be answered by R'Markel. Some difficult questions may be referred to expert rabbinical scholars. If possible, you should consult your local Orthodox Rabbi with such questions.To help the Rabbis who volunteer their time and share their wisdom, NoachideChassid will be used only for questions about the Halacha and Hashkafa of Noachism. General Noachide discussions should go to our sister group, NoachsNeighborhood.  [[:Category:Chabad Approach|Chabad Approach]]
==[ Noach's Neighborhood]==
Noach's Neighborhood is a sister and complementary group to NoachideChassid. As such it is a community for non-halachic discussions, a place for B'nei Noach to meet friends, to schmooze and maybe even shidduchim (Marriage matches). Questions concerning Noachide Halacha (law) or basic Hashkafa (view) should be submitted to the Rabbis for clarifcation and answers on the parent group, NoachideChassid.  [[:Category:Chabad Approach|Chabad Approach]]
==[ Noahide Prayer Resource Center]==
From the wording of a Joint Resolution passed in the US Congress in 1991 -
"...Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws; ..." Pictured on the right; President Ronald Reagan signs the proclamation for "Education Day U.S.A." honoring the Rebbe's birthday  [[:Category:Chabad Approach|Chabad Approach]]
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