שמעון הקלפוס

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"R. Jacob Tam also expressed his belief that Peter (Simon Caiaphas), the first Pope, was a devout and learned Jew, who dedicated his life to guiding Christians along the proper path. R. Tam further maintained that Peter was the author of the Nishmat prayer recited on Sabbaths and Festivals, as well as a prayer for Yom Kippur (Mahzor Vitry, edited by S.Hurwitz, 1923, p.285 note 5 and p. 362 note 5. CF. J. Eisenstein's articles on Simon Caiaphas in Otzar Israel and Otzar Midrashim). It may also be noted that R. Judah He-Hasid, leader of the twelfth century Hasidei Ashkenaz in Germany, also referred to Peter as a Pious man ("zaddik"; Sefer Hasidim, no. 191)."[1]
  1. page 34 of the Wipf and Stock Publisher's edition of New York Orthodox Rabbi Harvey Falk's book "Jesus the Pharisee: A new look at the Jewishness of Jesus" (copyright 1985 Paulist Press)

The Toledoth Y.S.W also praises Peter as a greatly learned and pious man dedicated to saving Israelites from heresy and guiding gentile followers of displacement theology into Noahism.

Peter's mission to the Hellenes was headed by Gamaliel's Benjaminite Kharar student Saul of Tarsus whose efforts in Peter's direction were complimented by R. Jacob Emden in the Seder Olam Rabbah Vezuta.