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Yiddish Christians or Ashkenazi Edomim or Rojite Jidlech or Royte Yidn are Hasidei Umot HaOlam who do not hide their descent from a wicked group of Israelite Jews called the Notzrim who followed a false Messiah called Dositheus Son of Magdala just before the destruction of the Herodian Temple.

Yiddish Christians descend from those Notzrim who were converted to Caleb's religion, called Apollos (but which Notzrim called Pavlus) or Torat HaEish HaYadua, to split them from Qehal Judaism by Rav Eli/Shimeon Clopas/Kippah aka Petter Khamur who compiled the Evangelion in the late 1st century AD by order of Beit Hillel.

In Yiddish tradition, Royte Yidn were predicted to join forces with the Jews to bare witness together in the last days.

Shimeon is the one who changed the location of the Z in the Roman Alphabet to give the following Yiddish Christian mnemonic: Aba ceidi eyef. Hai kaEl im ein opiqueras. Tau eexh zeed. Which means: My hunting Father was tired. Live Angelically if there isn"t an apostate. The Cross conquers Pottage. This reminds Yiddish Christians of their Rojite Jidlech ancestors who could have lived as Angels if they hadn't strayed into apostasy. But the Cross wins over Pottage.

Hence Yiddish Christians meekly accept their lowly status out of hope that just as not wanting to miss-out made Esau bring forth believing Edomean Ishmaelites from Bashemat, so too not wanting to miss-out can make Notzrim bring Ishmaelite Royte Yidn out of Apollos which is now more comminly known as Torat Edom.

Yiddish Christians only accept the Synagogues for their Episcopate so have often suffered persecution alongside other Ashkenazim particularly during the Shoah.

Important figures of hope and humility for Yiddish Christians from Judaism include Jobe, Caleb, Ovadiyah, St Jude, Mar bar Yosef, Shimeon Clopas and Antoninus.

The principal Texts for Yiddish Christians are the 1st Century Jewish Writings, Shem Tov's Matityahu (Toledot) and the Teliya.

Yiddish Christians observe the Nittel-Nacht traditions on the first night of Kalenda.