Ashkenazite Nation

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Y-DNA Haplogroup C-M217 Tajiks of Sogdiana. They are mentioned in Genesis 10:3 which is repeated in 1 Chronicles 1:6 and Jeremiah 51:27. According to Herodotus, the Ashkenaz men married Amazon women and produced the Iranian language speaking Sarmatians (Tajiks) who once dominated Turan. Amazon means mothers of the Jazones who were also known as Iazyges. In Assyrian they are the Ashkuz and much has been written about them. There are numerous other sources that relate Ashkenaz to the Ashkuza mentioned in ancient writings, or to the Scythians from whom descends the term Scot. The Greek word Scythia (from which derives Scandia and Scotia) is accepted as being derived from the Assyrian Ashkuz. They were the original Sarmatian "As" people (Asi/As/Os, Romanian: Iasi, Bulgarian: Uzi, Hungarian: Jász, Russian: Jasy, Georgian: Osi). In Talmudic sources, it is rendered as Asia (Targum Yonathan; Targum on 1 Chronicles 1:6; Yerushalmi, Megillah 1:9). In ancient times, besides denoting the entire continent, Asia also referred to what is now the western part of Asiatic Turkey, bordering on the Aegean Sea.

The nobility of a large nation in Scythia known as the Khazars is documented as having converted to Karaism and migrated west into Central Europe where they adopted normative Judaism. This probably contributed to the term Ashkenaz being used to refer to Germany (Siddur Rav Amram Gaon) by the tenth century. This may also have been be because Gomer, the father of Ashkenaz, was associated with 'the Magogite Nation of Germania.' According to this, the 'Reginia' mentioned in Josephus may have been the Rennus or Rhine area. Others associate this with Rhegium (the modern Regga), on the tip of the Italian peninsula (cf. Herodotus 1:167). However, there was also a Rhagae or Rages that was a major city in Medea (cf. Tobit 4:1). This was a bit south of the present Teheran, due south of the Caspean sea (cf. Arukh HaShalem, s.v. Asia). The Medes indeed were known to descend from the people of the Achemenids (Herodotus 7:61). More logical, however, would be to associate the 'Reginia' of Josephus with Scythian Regnum Polemonis, to the south-east of the Black Sea, immediately in the Ararat area. The 'Asia' mentioned in Talmudic sources could then be Amasia, a city in that area. However, there was also a tribe of Asies living in the area of Sardis (the modern Sart), the capital of Lydia (Herodotus 4:45). Both are the same area.