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Acting in the name of religion

Is the religion a necesity, or a human an invention to explain the world? We know that the ancient civilitations used to have people for explaining the sourronding and hostile natural wild world. Facts are stubborn. Many people don't believe in religion because of the behaviour of elders and hierarchs but others have a strong necesity to believe. Why?

Humans are gregarious animals. This is our natural form of survival in that hostile surrounding. The feeling of belonging to a group, family and beliefs, differentiate each group of people from other ones. Thus, belief is an important part of our feelings. These beliefs were developed by elders and hierarchs when we started the history. As far as I know eagerness for the divine is different from religion. The first is a personal choice the second is a social conditioning. That is the point. We are conditioned not only by the "holy text" alone but also the cultural traditions that don't help people to have free opinions. So we are prisioners of a cultural mold and we need to make an effort to surpass that mold. Today we have the difficulty of confrontation between religions and cultures. The main problem is that some religions are so imposing that all aspects of life are regulated. From policy to sexual behaviour and in the European cultural context it is not acceptable because in occidental culture we have had many revolutions to be free from all such ancient traditions that obstruct scientific knowledge and the happines of the people.

Cruelty to animals

Public Morality
