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Nowruz is the name of a holiday in the Iranian calendar

celebrated by Iranian people every year. Nowruz marks 

the first day of spring and the beginning of the year in Iranian calendar. It occurs on the 21st of March.

I like this celebration.last year in my family I should prepared the beginings of this celebration.One week before Nowruz I bought everythings that I needed.Forexample,red fish,mirror,apple,somagh,service,



Cruelty to Animals


Nowadays it is very difficult to explain what theft means exactly. For example, in some countries many actions are not considered bad, such as watching movies on the internet without paying. I think theft has only one meaning and anything outside of its meaning is not theft.

Different countries prescribe different penalties for theft. For example in Saudi Arabia cutting a hand off is the penalty for theft but in UK it depends on the kind of theft. The sentence may be jail or community service or a number of other things.


Public Morality

Acting in the name of Religion