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Revision as of 01:30, 29 October 2010 by פטר חמור (talk | contribs)

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The Frost-Thurse of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niflheim

The Fallen sons of Hadam, also known as الجنة و الناس with bluish-hue skin and jet-black hair are the Qenite (possibly associated with the mt-L1 and y-DNA BT Haplogroups) descendants of Cain who have not put themselves in check. This is most of the Humans on palnet Earth which is why about 70% of the population are still born with the blue-skin mark of Cain. It also means that the Israelites must have expected to find Nephilim (from whom the children of Anak came) in the land of Cana'an. The lineages of Tubalqayn, Jubil, and Jabal through marriage to Noach's daughters became his sons Ham (Oceanus-Poseidon), Japheth (Iapetus-Jupiter), and Shem (Hyperion-Hattusa) respectively.

The Hyksos who had taken over Egypt after Moses led the Israelites out must have been of the Qenites. Certain Rephaites (descendants of Arfacsad) had entered into some kind of alliance with the Qenites and the Rephaite king Anak (Inachus brother of Nilus-Hapi sons of Oceanus-Nun) had been established over them. Thus his sons Talmai, Ahiman and Sheshai came to be from the Nephilim. This situation alarmed the Israeelites who subsequently delayed their conquest of Cana'an. Apep, Anak's heir through Zeus, came to rule the Hyksos. He was succeeded by Zeus' brother Seth-Poseidon and his son Belus-Casluh father of Danaus-Pelast and Egypt-Caphtor. Although Danaus' Pelastians ran away from Caphtor, he eventually caught up with them and thus his sons came to be known as the tribe of Dana. The dwarf Danaide "Sidhe" nation of black-smiths went down in European legend as the dark-elf faerie gnomes of mound burials, once famed for their advanced mechanical technology before the memory took on a more childish and supernatural flavour.
